History Lesson

Impress your teacher with what really happened

Written by: CheesyBoy

Today's Lesson:
Adam and Friends

Kain - Dehydrated Wiener Dog with bad skin
Transmetal - God
Cheesy Boy - Better than everyone else because he is so cool and smart, and everybody loves him, aka Adam
Shadow - He isn’t really a shadow, but it’s one less person I have to force into the story
Barbie Boy - Drinks Slave
Biosoldier - Friend
Jabox4 - Friend

Time for History!!!

Transmetal (God) was wondering through paradise when he decided to visit his newest creations, Adam and Eve. So he walked over to them. But when he got there it was Adam and two other guys playing on the Game Cube while another guy brought them drinks.

Transmetal - “Adam, what is going on here? And were is Eve?”

Cheese - “It’s Cheesy boy now, and we threw her out of paradise.”

T - “Well, why would you do that?”

Biosoldier - “She kept spending money on useless things like: clothes, shelter, and food. I mean who needs that when you have a Game Cube, and a PS2?”

T - “You have a good point, but who is he, and why is he serving you drinks?”

Jabox4 - “He’s the drinks slave, he gets us drinks. And he isn’t allowed to make direct eye contact with us.”

T - “Well alright, but there are a couple of ground rules, actually only one. You shall not play on any of the Xboxes that grow on the tree of Gates.”

C - “Sure”

T - “Now push over, I’ll show you how that game should be played.”

And so they played for three days straight without rest. Until Transmetal collapsed from exhaustion.

B - “Looks like he collapsed from exhaustion.”

C - “Yeah.”

Mysterious voice - “Hey, you three.” They turn to look at the source of the voice, “You guys like video games?”

J - “Yeah, what’s it to you?”

M V - “I got something you would like. Here look.” And the shadowy figure pulls out an Xbox.

C - “But Transmetal said that is evil.”

M V - “No not evil, just really, really good. He doesn’t what you to play the good stuff.”

B - “Well what could go wrong?”

Barbie Boy - “I don’t think we should.”

C - “Shut up. Well if he’s out, I’m in.”

J - “Alright, lets do it.”

The shadow figure moves forward, and shows him self to be a wiener dog with poorly tended to and dry skin. “My name is Kain.” he says, and begins to laugh evilly. The others start to laugh, but Kain says “No, you don’t get to laugh, I’m the evil figure taking away your innocence, what evil things have you done?”

They look at each other, and shrug their shoulder. “Well no laughing until you have done something evil to the innocent.”

C - “ I know!” He turns and punches Barbie Boy in the face. Biosoldier, and Jabox 4 catch on and help with the Barbie Boy beating.

K - “Well then, I guess you can laugh evilly with me now.”

Transmetal wakes up to find he is all alone. He gets up and looks around, but there is nobody around. Well there was that drinks guy yelling at him something about everyone playing on the Xbox, but he really wasn’t listening.

Then he had a horrible thought, and rushed to the tree of Gates. But he was too late. The evil wiener dog had already corrupted them.

T - “How could you do this, why?”

K - “You're too late, they are mine now!”

T - “No.”

C - “It’s not that bad Come on, you can take my turn.”

T - “No, I must do what I must.”

C - “What do you mean?”

T - “I’m banishing you from paradise.”

C, J, B - “What!”

BB - “I can stay right, I never played.”

T - “While that is true, your annoying, and I want you to leave regardless.”

They all left, and never saw paradise again.

Now that’s History