Domain Kain Staff

Unproffesional, unpaid writers and entertainers that work for free
File #: 00-01 Kain
Self appointed leader of the site. Posseses many sharp objects
File #: 00-02 Transmetal
Other Main Guy
File #: 00-03 Quantum Human
Resident Former Physics Guru
File #: 00-04 Cheesy Boy
Back, and the first to put up a new story! Who woulda thought...
File #: 00-05 Spotlite
File #: 00-06 Shizuka
He's back to answer your mail.
File #: 00-07 Jabox4
MIA (i.e. playing with Linux)
File #: 00-08 Biosoldier
File #: 00-09 BarbieBoy