The Men In White--Not black damnit, white.


We are the Men in White, we wear clothing that is white...made from white material. But there is more, we are scientist people thingies. You can't say we're not scientists--we went to a low budget college made for for prison inmates, AND we wear white coats made from white material.

What do we scientist people thingies study you ask...we study many furri` animals that are white and sometimes white, or if they happened to roll around in bat poop (or as us scientist people thingies say...guano) and turned them white. Animals like rabbits, horses, wolves, other scientist people thingies, and mailboxes. But those are only a few.

Our line of work would probably more interesting if the animals wore white clothes made from white materials. I wonder if the factory where the white clothes made from white material are made has a white interior or maybe a white exterior OR white tile...

As as the large men carrying white straight jackets (no relation) come in and whack the two scientist people thingies over the head with socks full of quarters to temporarily dismember the two nutcases. The two big men put the straight jackets on the scientist people thingies and dragged them away. THE END.

What an anti-climatic ending...

A Word to the Wise... A Paragraph to the Stupid.

WHITE...WHITe...WHIte...WHite...White...white...SMACK! SHUT UP DAMN IT!

Written By BioSoldier