Domain Kain
News Archive
February 2004
...the names you all have for me right now. Sorry. The comic will be resuming on Monday, I already have Monday's edition ready and am working on later ones. I think I may be moving to three days a week rather than five so I don't have as much of an opportunity to be a bitch like I have been. Final word on that on Monday, though. And Page, send me some ideas for your personal comicy thingy...
Oh, and my super-happy-mega-zilla-esque eighteenth birth-monkey is in a week. Buy me stuff - I COMMAND THEE! Or just send me an email.
In defense of myself and QH in particular, we've being dealing with a large number of scholarship essays which needed writing. However, as of today I AM FINALLY DONE THOSE DAMN DIRTY ESSAYS! What does that mean? It means my excuse for not updating the site is more or less gone, so you can begin bitching about me being lazy... starting now.
Today's update is quite possibly the only two reviews you will see on the site for a while... The umm... the official staff paperweight (aka the gamecube) died last week. So for now we have reviews for Burnout 2 and 007 Nightfire. Lemme see what else...
Oh yeah, it's probably neccessary to remind you all that Comic updates are not usually listed here on the main page. In a good week, they'll be updated daily. So do yourself a favor and check out QH's "Silver and Blood". Enjoy.
Hey, I was surfing the internet and I saw an ad for low rider jeans, and I realized something, I had a fashion epiphany. Now these are rare for me since the only article of clothing I change on a daily basis is my shirt. And even that goes from orange-red to orange to yellow-orange back to orange then start again.
Note: I don't conceder underwear clothes, I conceder them mercies I give to others.
Back to what I realized. I now know what the next big thing pants wise is, ass less chaps. It's perfect; it just finishes what low rider jeans start. Ass less chaps and thongs will run wild though the country, fouling churches, and degrading the already high quality programming on MTV. You wait, I predict this to be the year of the ass less chaps.
On a different note, my last prediction proved to be all to accurate. No one has updated content (with the exception of a picture, but seriously, that doesn't count), or barely updated at all since Cheese week ended. All this despite the fact that Kain and Transmetal had something they wanted to upload DURING Cheese week because it couldn't wait.
That was over two weeks ago now, and I ain't seen crap.
That's not to say I have anything, just wanted to share my premonitions with you (and perhaps force Kain or Trans to do something) , and since my last premonition was correct, you might want to get on ahead of the crowd and buy some ass less chaps.
Don't have to much fun with out me.
P.S. - I think it would be funny if a deaf person and a ventriloquist started dating. Think about it, you'll get the joke.
I'm back, and I have to minor bits to update with. First, seeing as Cheese Week is over it made sense to put the logo back to normal... Well, honestly, it had more to do with people sending me death threats. Second, we have a new picture up in the media section. Don't ever let people try to convince you that we're a bunch of immature and lazy slackers, you should know that for yourself by now.
Alright I'm done.
Or not. I am now though. Fairly certain. One sec... Yeah I'm done.
I did it. It's 11:22 sunday night and I'm done. Three new storie, 1 editorial and with tonights update, three new parts of Pilgrimage. And tonight's brings back Spotlite. You thought I forgot about him, but I didn't, and now he makes a return. After this he will be in it more consistantly though. Promise
Ohh yeah, here it is: 4th Shot: Ohh yeah, He's in this isn't he?"
DONE! You probably won't hear from me for a while while I rest.
Don't have to much fun with out me.
This is hard. I mean, I wasn't prepard for this at all. I had nothing written ahead of time. A few ideas, most most were crap, and I didn't even bother to start writting them.
But hey, almost through, and I can do it. Or not, eather is cool. Both acceptable. Hazzah for being realistic.
This is for you. It should be noted, that the period that marked the end of the last sentance, was the link to the story. Because I... think it is funny.
I told you, I'm tired. Out of funny power. None left to sprinkle on you. Go bother tinkerbell.
I got to say, for a story that had no planeed ending when I started writing it, i really love the ending to this story. Shopel has perhaps my favorite ending to any story I have ever writen.
Origonaly, I planned on having a story about "Camp Cheese" for you today, but seriously, people are idiots. I got so angry at "Flexitarians" that i had to yell at them. If you don't know what a "Flexitarian" is, then be grateful, but I say so in the editorial. Dear Flexitarians,
I hate them. People are allowed to hate, not be complete morons.
On a different note, Cheese Week seems to be doing well. I updated every day, dispite Ragnarok, and I have no plans to stop updating until this week is done.
Yay for me!
Episode 2: Nazi Stereo types and YOU!But I do have something to say about the story as a whole. It is probably the least stable of all my "works." Don't understand, niether do I, but it describes this story pretty well.
Well it's kind of late in the day, but update it today I did. And I have what you have been waiting for, a new chapter of the Pilgrimage. I'm not to sure if I spelled it right just there, but hey... fuck it.
Biosoldier will show up twice in the story, this is the first. There will be a second, and it will be equally humiliating and pointless. Let this be a warning to all, if I wanted to write you into the story, you would be in there! I don't think I will be asked ever again.
I know I said two things today, but hey... fuck you. Volume 2 is long, and plus, procrastination is in my blood, I feel it in my veins. If I promise you two, you'll get one, if I aimed for one, you would get none.
And why is Transmetal still updating? This is the one week were he really doesn't need to. But he's 2 for 2, just like me. We both know what will happen, he will continue to update on this free week for him, and afterwards, no one updated until we have to archive this stuff for next month.
You know it
Boogaloo.I... Quite honestly forgot that it was Domain Kain's birthday... Those news posts from the geocities site have long since faded into oblivion (probably on an archive CD somewhere...), but I'm pretty sure either today or yesterday was the anniversary. In honor of that birthday, we'll have a week of Cheese! Wait... we're doing that anyway... The only other difference is that DK Year 2 stories have been logged into the archive...
Well it's officially mine... for a week. That's right, for the next week I get limited supervised control over the whole site! Watch me move into middle management, with GLORY!
... but really all it means it i got to change the banner, and have to update every day. I planed on having two things for you today, but Transmetal made a mistake on the banner, so I had to correct it in paint, then teach my self html.
For this I shall do something horrible to Transmetal, perhaps write a buddy cops series with him and his partner Biosoldier. Scary.
But this is what I got for today. 4 steps to popularity. To make it up to you, I'll have two things for you tomorrow, one of which is The Pilgrimage volume 2. I will write a total of 3... or 4 chapters of The Pilgrimage this week. Promise.
Boogaloo.Information concerning the wierd banner at the top of the page will be posted shortly...