Developer: Eurcom Entertainment Software
Publisher: Electronic Arts
System: 007 Nightfire
Release Date: 11/15/2002
Review Date: 2/24/2004
Review by:
Nightfire is the second Bond game for the "next gen"... erm... crap... I guess they're "current gen" systems now. Anyway, it's the newest... well... next to newest... I sorta forgot to review this one, and now (two years later) there's another Bond game that just came out... POINT BEING! It's just like the previous game ("Agent Under Fire") but newer, and better. That means lots of shooting and the occasional vehicle chase sequence. It also means that I need to get off my ass and review games BEFORE they make it to the bargain bin!
Surprise! You can't skip the MGM logo. Buwahahahahah!
It's suprising how much better these graphics are compared to the previous bond game, "Agent Under Fire". I'm not really sure how to describe the difference, they're just better. There's more detail, more textures, more snazzy lighting effects, etc etc... The FMVs, just like "AUF", are replicas of their realtime breathren... but they're alot better too. When you boot up the game, you're treated to a very well done intro sequence (similar to those in the James Bond movies). There's a great variety of enviornments used in the games, and they all look damn good.
The greatest irritation I recieved from playing AUF was the constant playing of the Bond theme. Every time you collected a bonus, every time you played a level, the EXACT SAME THEME played. Thankfully, they fixed it for this one. Well, I guess all the songs ARE offshoots of the original music... but they're not annoying. That's a big deal for me. Oh yeah, the voice acting... Hey! It's great! I'm happy with it.
It's a shooting game. Seriously, there really isn't that much to describe here. There's a very nice assortment of FPS levels (corridor, sniping, stealth, etc...) mixed with the occasional vehicle level (underwater car/sub/thingy, jeep, fighter plane, etc...). They're mixed together well enough that the game doesn't get dull. There's always something new or different to keep you interested. The one thing boosts this game from an excellent 8 to and outstanding 9 is the multiplayer. Similar to Timesplitters 2, this game has multiplayer up the wazoo. A great assortment of gameplay types, matches, and menus upon menus of options make this a definite party game. Provided that it's a party full of people who enjoy shooting each other, you should do fine. Wanna go on a bot killing rampage? This game's got you covered there as well.
Yeah... It's your typical FPS control setup, with a bunch of optional control setups. In any case, if the control is good enough for acurate sniping, it's good enough for me.
It's a James Bond game, but with a huge budget. Which is just plain awesome, because the graphics and the game in general are improved by several notches. Heck, there is even a "making of" video hidden in there somewhere... This is a fun FPS to enjoy by yourself AND with your friends. You can't go wrong with purchases like this.
Graphics: 9/10
Very detailed, snazzy, and fast
Sound: 7/10
Typical assortment of James Bond tunes, that AREN'T annoying
Gameplay: 9/10
Nice variety of styles
Controls: 8.5/10
Mmmm... Tight
Overall (not an average): 9/10
A much better game than AUF