Episode 3:
Nazi stereo types and YOU!
Written by: Cheesy Boy
“Shouldn’t we be going, I don’t know west?” asked a confused Transmetal. “You know, towards our destination, not away from it. Going over the Atlantic Ocean seems a bit counter productive, since we’re going to Japan... we are going to Japan right?”
“Of course,” Cheesyboy calmly replied.
“So why are we crossing the Atlantic ocean again?”
“Simple,” said Kain. “Me and Cheesyboy agreed that this was the way to go, despite the fact that it’s longer because we are both afraid of California.”
“... why are you afraid of California?”
“The elected the Govenator, they are not a state of stable or reasonable people.” Cheesyboy continued to say, “Besides, were already found a harbor, and dumped the cop car. A boat is the next logical step.”
“So why are we following the next logical step?”
“Someone can shut their dirty little mouth. Do you know who that is Kain? Let me help you... you.” That one was Cheese.
So is this next part, “Let’s take that boat.” He said as he pointed one out.
“The one with the pirate flag?” Either Kain or Transmetal, I’m not to sure I wasn’t paying attention.
“Yeah, the stereo-typical looking one.”
“Is that a star of David on the flag?” asked a skeptical (hurrah for thesauruses) Transmetal. “Jewish Pirates? Isn’t that a stereo type?”
“A Nazi stereo type.”
“NO! Bad Cheese, Bad!” Yelled Kain
“What did I do?”
“Not you Transmetal Cheesyboy. Some one should start labeling these quotes more often...” said the giant talking dick.
“Ohh, me.” said the one that goes well on nachos.
“Yeah, you. I’ve put up with a lot, but Nazi stereo types is were I draw the line. So stop it.”
“I can’t stop it,” replied Cheese.
“It’s your story! Yes you can!” Now Kain was just screaming. He does that.
“I can’t stop the funny, the funny is like a pet. I fe...” this is Cheese by the way, back to the sentence, were I left it, “...ed it and shit, but when it wants to go see that dog, it’s gonna go see that dog.”
“I am Kain, and I say the following words: 1)now 2)fuck 2.5)it 3)head 4) ! 5) stop. I say them in this order: 5, 2.5, 1, 2, 3, 4.”
Take your time
“Fine then, we will just ignore it completely. Look, there is a cruise ship. With a little luck we can get jobs on a Mediterranean cruise and then ditch when we get to Europe.” Once again Kain.
“But the book I, Transmetal, bought says we should go on the pirate ship.”
“It would, come on, reality awaits.”
Hey, I didn’t feel like writing this part so let’s just go ahead and say they got jobs on a cruise ship heading for Europe. Unfortunately for Kain the book suggested you take the Pirate Ship because the Jewish Pirates had plans to attack the cruise ship. If you had asked the pirates for rides then you would be doing the looting, now though they are just getting looted. There bound and gagged... or something. I’m tired of this, I need a job. Damnit. “Look guys, I said I was sorry.” That was Kain, and I guess I was wrong about the gagging part.
“Mmmrrph!” okay, partially wrong. Cheesyboy is gagged, Transmetal and Kain aren’t for some reason.
“What are we going to do know though? Let’s not focus on who did what, who hurt who, who applied for credit cards in whose names.”
“Theirs always ‘The Rage,’” said Transmetal.
“No, no. Defiantly not... aww fuck it, it’s kind of funny to watch. Cheesyboy, the soda!”
Quick fact about Transmetal: He is usually pretty mild mannered, but after he has ingested one or more cans of the ‘Nectar of the Gods,’ he becomes a raging berserker that is completely unstoppable. Unless you stop him... but we won’t mention that part.
“Cheesyboy, give him the Dr Pepper!”
For those of you who didn’t get it, the ‘Nectar of the Gods’ is Dr Pepper. Which kicks ass by the way.
No one asked you abot YOUR favorite soda... ...fuckhead “Great job getting the soda out and giving it to Transmetal despite the fact that you are bound and gagged.”
“Ohh no he’s transforming...”
To be continued in Stage 5: Word of B.O.O.