The Time Travel Chronicles
Ladies and gentlemen, we, the Domain Kain staff, are proud to present to you, the latest installment in our Museum of Severely Twisted And In Some Cases Utterly Shattered History... the Time Travel Chronicles! (pause for clapping to die down... realize there's no clapping...) Anyways, each chapter of the Time Travel Chronicles details the exploits of a member of our very own DK staff as they travel back in time and take on the persona of an important historical character. Don't worry, kids, this is all for fun. There's virtually no chance that you'll wake up someday to discover that Transmetal as President Bush has decided to launch every nuclear bomb the US has towards London. Virtually. Really. I think.
These historical atrocities are brought to you by the slightly overripe brain and relativity-defying physics skills of the museum curator and director of scientific misadventures, Quantum Human. Chapters in white indicate upcoming exhibits.
- Chapter 1: Ides of March 44 BCE; Transmetal as Julius Caesar
- Chapter 2: Late 1944; Kain as Adolf Hitler
- Chapter 3: 1866; Cheesy Boy as Alfred Nobel
- Chapter 4: 500 BCE; Spotlite as Siddhartha Gautama
- Chapter 5: 1930; Barbie Boy as Mohandas Gandhi
- Reader suggestions still requested for: Shizuka, Jabox4, Shadow, BioSoldier, Wolfbane, Quantum Human