Domain Kain

News Archive

November 2002

Heh heh heh...oops?
Post on 11/27/2002 by Kain

Well, I made one of the worst errors I've ever made. Blue Score was supposed to be up on November 15 to coinside with X BOX' anniversary. That didn't happen, so I set a later deadline. That won't happen either. Blue Score's date is now TBD. It will be up by the end of the year...I hope. The cast for Blue Score has been hired and I will list them right here




Spot Light

Barbie Boy mkII



If you want to find out more about these guys, Shadow is currently interviewing them all. Sayonara!

All good things come to an end...
Post on 11/16/2002 by Transmetal

Wow, it's been a long journy, hasn't it? About 10 months ago (Back in Febuarary I believe) we started this site. The first things posted up were my Gundam parody (which I promise I'll get around to doing again!), Elk's First Car Ride, and Insert Name Here War. A joint effort between Kain and I, we planned out 10 episodes of a wacky, random, and sometimes even philosophical war. 10 months and 10 episodes later, we arrive at the finale of the series. Realizing that this series has become a larger beast than any of us intended, the ending is very much different than we had planned (but, for a peek at the original idea, take a look at the Alternate Ending at the end of the 10th episode). The characters actually had growth, something we hadn't planned. It's a shame to have to leave this behind, but, all good things come to an end. I worked hard, trying to make this finale worth all your reading, and I hope you enjoy it.

Perhaps you are wondering what happens now. I mean, we've finished that main story on the site!!! What's there to do next? Well, we've been planing ahead (thankfully). I have a new series, 23.4, which will be premiering in a few weeks, once we get a theme song. Speaking of that, we never told you who made the theme song for Insert Name Here War, did we... You'll find out soon enough, once Blue Score launches. And after that, we have another series. Don't worry, we still have plenty of stuff that'll keep you guys entertained.

On top of that, I have to inform you all that those reviews I lost back in July? They're definitly lost, so I went back and re-did them. Today, I put up my James Bond 007 Agent Under Fire review. Oh yea, and I updated the community page.

About the e-mail situation
Post on 11/13/2002 by Transmetal

I never thought I'd live to see this day, but Shadow has finally come out of the woodwork and posted something. I hope this gives some incentive to certain other staff members to give me their html files and stories. Ahem, lol. Alright, now apparently there has been some confusion on the whole e-mail thing. Yes, Kain IS listed under the community/letters section as being a one of the editors. But he rarely checks his mail, and even less often he responds to them. If you want to send a letter/question that will actually be responded to, send them to me. If you're sending email to Kain, about Kain, you should know that he WILL eventually read it, but he won't neccessarily respond. Other than that, I've pretty much wrapped up the rough draft of Insert 10. I plan to add some extra things like interviews (quick one or two question things, so it may not be up until this weekend. Last but not least... I THINK I updated the email bag, I don't really remember. *sigh*

Yo! To all my fans out there!
Post on 11/12/2002 by Shadow

I said Yo! to all my fans out there in webville! I am the man with the plan! I am here to tell y'all that I have some major kick ass stories comin in and to let y'all know that I am doin my work and I am movin up in the world. As the site goes, I will be here and there and everywhere, interviewing the top names in this site. Soon, I'll have interviewed everyone...once I get started. But what does that matter my friends? Are you ready for Shadow?

If I Had A Dime For Every Email We Get...
Post on 11/06/2002 by Transmetal

... I'd be a very poor man. But, we actually found some emails in Kain's emailbox! Wow, most e mail. So, I posted one of them up in the community section. Take a gander at 'er, and send us some more!!!

It's Coming...
Post on 11/04/2002 by Kain

All I can say is this: It's coming. The project that I have codenamed Project Phoenix is...

Transmetal: Uh, Kain? That name has already been taken.

Kain: ...really? Damn...Oh well, I guess it will be called Blue Score then. No biggy. In about one and a half month's time, Domain Kain Score will be up and running. Sayonara.

Insert Wars 9 Part 2
Post on 11/02/2002 by Jabox4

Insert Wars Chapter 9, Part 2 has been posted after sitting in my inbox for... the past... 3 days... Hmm, guess it wasn't that long after all. Oh well, anyway... I also did some small adjustments to the layout. The links on the left won't look all scrunched up on non-IE (5.01+) browsers like before. The only catch is that now the pages will scroll on 800x600px sized desktops, though its not much.

Oh, also, Transmetal mentioned posting a new story, but without a newspost. He said something about Pink Cranes. So, why don't you go and read it, I will.

Speaking of newsposts... Damnit Transmetal! Why didn't you title your last one?!