Domain Kain
News Archive
July 2003
It isn't worth arguing with you, Cheese. You have missed 90% of the points I've talked about. You have definitely missed the point of what I was talking about with Virtua Fighter. Though, it is of no fault of your own. I wasn't telling you not to like the damn game, I was telling you that it isn't the fighter part of it that appeals to you most. Judge the game however you see fit. All that matters is that you like it. For some reason, I seem to be having trouble illustrating my points. This is why I don't write editorials. Actually, I think the main problem is that I just don't care enough to put a ton of effort into illustrating my points. Unless you are arguing about something I care deeply about. Good luck finding something like that. Anyway, on to business. It's time to get the update section back to what it's supposed to be...actually, I'm not too sure what that is. Well, Cheese got the ball rolling on the content updates. Now all we need is for other people to follow suite.
*cricket cricket*
Okay, then it's up to me to do something. Damn, we're screwed. Wait, there is something I can do! I'll finish my works and put 'em up ASAP...or sometime after that.
New stuff! An away Message. Not much, but something.
And Kain. To you I say this. I don't care if it is a RPG, or a fighter or a hedgehog. I will base my opinion of it on one thing. How much I like the game. And while I love DOA3, I also love Virtual Fighter. And I like them for different reasons. The way they go about it in Virtual Fighter makes you feel attached to the character in a way your not in DOA3. In Virtual Fighter, they are your child. You feel bad when you make them fall off a cliff, because you know only you use this character. They are yours. And in DOA3, it's like the charaters a filthy sluts. You are playing with them right now, but who knows who else was playing with them before. You have no conection to the character. I just like caring about my character. So I'm sorry that I judge a game based on what I like about it, not what I'm supposed to like about it.
Cheese, I have come to realize that you don't want to pick up a fighter and play a fighting game. You want a rpg. I hate to break it to you, but you can't have both. Fighting games are all about the fighting engine. I realize that your favorite type of games are rpgs, but you don't judge a fighting game based on what aspects of it resemble a rpg. That defeats the purpose of it being a fighting game. Although, you may want to check out that game that Transmetal likes. I think the name of it was Shenmue. That is a rpg with a fair fighting system.
In short, you should judge a fighting game for it's fighting aspects not any resemblences to rpgs. Now, I also understand that you will like Virtua Fighter for these reasons regardless. Your feelings toward the game shouldn't change. You should just realize that you like it because of it's rpg aspects not because it is a good fighting game because it really is a subaverage fighting game...though it is a lot better than Tekken.
Back to Virtual Fighter, I said it kept track of win/lose for each person. Not each character. So say two people were using the same character, it would keep track of how much each of the two people won or lost.
Another perk I enjoyed was being able to train your own A.I. character. When you first make them, they suck. But you watch them fight, and tell them mid-battle when they are doing things good, or when they are doing bad things. You train them and try to make them go up the ranks. It's like raising a very violent child. -sob- They grow up so fast.
Alright so maybe I am done. Or am I. I just want to get the last word in. Unfortunately Kain also suffers from this need to get the last word in, so we may be at it for a while.
But let me ask you this Kain. Why on earth did you seem so surprised that I would do something so stupid? And it hurts when you insinuate that I am being anything but pathetic. You know... -sob- I try so hard to be the most pathetic person that I can be, and it hurts when you think that it isn't hard. I get up every morning, listen to Vanilla Ice, and get pumped up for the day ahead. Its not easy finding new lows! It's like running a freaking marathon! I demand an apology to your insinuation that I'm pathetic only some of the time.
P.S. I do know what P.S. stands for.
P.P.S. thanks.
P.P.P.S. I know when Ruroni Kenshin is on T.V. :)
Okay, Cheese, you really sound like an idiot. You obviously don't know what the hell you're talking about. DOA 3 also has the ranking system that tracks you're win/loss record. Virtua Fighter does have subtle flaws, but it also has major ones. Virtua Fighter Evolution may fix these but until then, Virtua Fighter is a subaverage fighter. I do know for a fact that I like fighting games more than you do, Cheese, but we won't get into that right now.
I'd like to point out, I was merely naming some genres that the X BOX had down pat. I myself don't much care for racing games. I wasn't saying it was the biggest reason to get the X BOX. When it comes to RPGs, you can correctly state that the X BOX WILL be a great system. Fable and True Fantasy Online could be great additions to anyones rpg collection. I'm not saying they'll undoubtably be good. People said that about DMC2, and that game sucked. But RPGs are not the only good games. The X BOX has great action, adventure and platformer games. I'm not saying that other systems don't have great games of these genres, I'm saying that X BOX does.
I am a firm believer that games should be fun and a work of art. It shouldn't be reprocessed shit like so many games now-a-days. Few companies care about their games the way they should. Tecmo and Square-Enix are two of the few companies that truly put everything into their games. Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, Ninja Gaiden...all of these are art. Not even you can truthfully disagree with that, Cheese. There are many other games that deserve to be noted for this, but this is just an update.
As for Mario, I don't like Super Mario Sunshine, but I do believe it deserves it's popularity. It has new ideas and freshens the series. Nintendo did a great job, I just don't care for the gameplay in it.
By the way, Transmetal's back from "camping". Actual updates shouldn't be far behind. The awards will be happening soon...hopefully. Normally, I wouldn't be having arguments with my staff over the updates, but as Cheese said, it's hard to get a hold of him. I'm hoping that we can get some content updates soon.
P.S. You're wrong rather frequently.
P.P.S. Okay, your parking's validated.
My word. Who could that last person be? And who does he think he is coming in here with his valid points, and eloquent yet understated style of writing. I also think he might be a genuis, and very handsome. Kain, we should get right on top of this matter.
P.S. What made you think I could be wrong about anything? I dont need your validation.
P.P.S. Could you validate my parking Kain?
Hey, Im a totally unknown person and unbiased. Also I would like to say that as not Cheesy Boy that I think he is way cooler then Kain. I also think that Kain might be able to see better if his view wasnt obstructed by the inside of his ASS!
I would also like to point out that I hate racing games ( I dont care about hate mail). So as I see it, it matters not if the Xbox has great racing games. The only racing game I have ever liked is Midnight Club 2. But that is an exception, not a rule.
And contrary to Kains view, I... Cheese likes fighters plenty. And while I like DOA3 very much as a fighter, I think Virtual Fighter has some elements that make up for its subtle flaws. For instance, in Virtual Fighter you can make a character just for you. You can gain new items for them to wear or other little things. But that is not what makes it great. Its the fact that you are ranked. And as you win matches, you gain in rank, and if you fall in rank enough times you are forced to wear a shame item. Like a monkey on your shoulder or shit. It gives you something more tangible to strive for, instead of simply the idea of getting better. And ontop of all that, it keeps track of your win/loss ratio, hitting percentage, and what you might want to do inorder to inprove.
Ohhh, and Cheeses favorite type of game is RPG. So the Xboxs admitted lack of those has swayed Cheeses stance on the obtrusive system a bit.
P.S. How can you not like Mario. BLASTFAMY!
First, you are on the commitee and as soon as Transmetal gets back from his "camping" trip to the "argricultural" plant, we will begin the proceedings.
Now, you obviously don't remember the conversation we had earlier, because I stated games that are good for the system before you got them on PS2. Hell, I gave you Onimusha. And as it is, Genma Onimusha is better than Onimusha Warlords because it is an updated version with new concepts and better gameplay. You know as well as I do, I have never stated that graphics made a game good. Graphics can merely make a game look good in a cosmetic way. One of my all time favorite games is Final Fantasy VII. This had average graphics (with the exception of the beautiful summon scenes and prerendered movies) and yet it is still one of the best games ever created to this day. The same goes with Pong. As for DOA 3, Virtua Fighter isn't a better game or even equal in calibur. It is slower more glitchy and the gameplay just isn't as deep. Now, I don't expect you to understand what I mean with this because I have noticed that I am a much bigger fan of fighting games than you are. Don't deny this, because it is true. I was more excited about Mortal Kombat than you were about (for lack of a better comparisson) Dark Cloud 2.
As for your comments on the Gamecube. I hate Mario Sunshine, Pikmin, and Animal Crossing. I also said that before Zelda even came out. I also stated that Metroid was an exception. Now I have nothing against the paper weight...I mean Gamecube. I don't want any hate mail from people who are so pathetic they have to argue about which system they think is better. I am planning on purchasing a Gamecube. I just feel that the X BOX has more games that I will enjoy. You may believe that another system has more games for your enjoyment and that's fine. Let's just agree to buy Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles when it's released.
The X BOX right now, is a great system. It has the best in racing, fighting, and FPS. I admit it is lacking in RPGs. That's why I bought a PS2. I never once stated that you should buy the X BOX regardless. I merely argued the high points of the X BOX.
There is no glory for you to revel in, Cheese.
...Oh yeah, pretty soon there will be a content update for the site. Just bare with us.
P.S. - Cheese is right about the movie. Watch The Legend of Drunken Master. It is truly a kick ass film.
Well apparently Im on a committee. These are things I like to know about because I like to think about who or what I will vote for in this little award ceremony.
Wha? You didnt know? Of course not, but by no fault of Kain. I tend to go into hermit mode over the summer and talk to nobody, or as few people as possible. But this is merely the result of my hate for phones, and to a certain extent e-mail. Dont ask me why, because I wouldnt be able to explain it to you, or even my self really. I just hate them. So I dont give out my phone number, and I dont really answer the phone. That is why I become confused and bewildered when the phone rings, and its for me. Apparently many people now have my phone number because I gave it away to someone despite my better judgment. Fuck you Transmetal.
And to you Kain I say this. I remember the conversation you were talking about. And I gave you rebuttals to each and ever game you listed. I can easily come up with a game of equal caliber, if not better then the games you listed. You recommended Splinter Cell, and while I agree this is a great game, I like Metal Gear Solid 2 better. I know you dont agree, but fuck you, Im holding the talking stick. You said Halo, but I prefer Half-Life because of easy internet compatibility and because it is my opinion that FPS are always better on the PC. And for DOA3, there is Virtual Fighter. You also listed games that I own for the PS2, like Blood Omen and Onimusha. Sure the Xbox versions might have better graphics, but that is barely an excuse for buying a whole new system.
I also seem to remember you saying to me the same thing about the GameCube. You know, about there being no good games for it. I also remember saying something about Mario Sunshine, Zelda, Metroid Prime, Pikmin, and Animal Crossing. I forget exactly what I said, but Im sure you can figure out the rest.
So, why exactly did I buy a Xbox? Well if you must know, I bought it not for what it is, but what it will be. It will soon launch have a series of titles that will be remembered fondly for quite some time. I thought I should bye an Xbox while I still had money available to me (it tends to burn a hole in my pocket if left alone for to long). The Xbox will be great. The only problem is that the previous sentence was not in present tense.
Now allow me to revel in my glory until Kain responds to this.
P.S. - Watch The Legend of Drunken Master. Great flick.
I want to start off by saying that I have been trying to get Cheese to buy an X BOX for a long time now. He once gave me the excuse that he didn't know of any good games on the system. When I named a few of them, he didn't know what the hell I was talking about. This means that he didn't know fucking shit about anything and he still made judgement. What does this have to do with anything? It doesn't. I'm just freaking glad he finally bought the X BOX.
Okay, to further explain what Cheese has stated, at these Halo parties, the staff and a few friends get together and play non-stop Halo...or we used to anyway. It may be a bit confusing the way Cheese stated it, but after many of these parties, Cheese and I have developed a displeasing attitude toward Halo. It isn't that we don't like the game, it's just that we're sick and damn tired of playing it. That's that.
Now, I actually do have something close to content that I would like to put up. That is, we here at Domain Kain are going to be having an awards show type of thing going on soon. This will be a short award show with categories like "Best Game Character" and "Best Game 2003". The winners will not be decided by some big shot critics that think they know what they're talking about. It will be decided by myself and three other staff members. The staff members that I am currently trying to get to judge are Jabox 4, Transmetal, and Cheesy Boy. More details when we decide the winners and place it on the site.
Now, you might be wondering where all the frickin stories that should be up are. well, we ran into kind of a snag here. Transmetal and Jabox went off and got jobs, I fell asleep, and no one talks to the other staff members. Has the fog lifted?
If you haven't noticed, I'm not in the best of moods right now. I'd explain
Okay, now I get to address one last issue. And that issue is, "Jello". Seriously, who the hell thought up Jello? Okay, that wasn't the issue, but I'm tired of this update so I'll talk about the last issue later.
I don't actually have anything to post, but I felt the obligation to share (or rub your face in, either one) the fact that I now own an Xbox. I have been wanting to get one for some time now, but buying new games for both the PS2 and the Gamecube stole most of my savings for the fairly bulky system.
And to answer many questions that no one asked, but we can pretend you did ask anyway, I did not buy Halo for it. There are two reasons for that.
The first is that it still costs about the same as when it launched. I found a couple places that had dropped the price 5 to 10 dollars, but still... it's been out for quite some time.
Second, I have been getting a little sick of it to be perfectly frank. How could I get sick of a game I didn't own? Hell I didn't own the console! Well, we here have little Halo parties. And we play lots of Halo. Lots of Halo. In fact Kain didn't even play any Halo for the last two parties, and I barely played at all. So that's that.
So what did I buy? Two games: Mech Assault, and DOA3. The combined cost was the same as a single copie of Halo.
Well it's been fun. And now that I think about it, a hell of a lot easier then coming up with a story to post. I might do this more often. As you know, filler. Because we here at Domain Kain will bring you the best (or our best effort) when we god damn well feel like it.
The short and sweet version is... Don't ask. Now, on to the update.
First, we have a review of Serious Sam: The First Encounter for PC. Second, a long arduous journy comes to an end. The Journal of a Toutured Soul series ends with the semi-serious The Dark Aftermath. Boo yeah. This is Transmetal siging out.
The short and sweet version is that my computer was fucked over by other people downloading files they shouldn't have and inviting a friendly little virus to come in and totally screw over windows. Now that that's over with, on to the updates.
While away, I managed to write up some reviews. Two of them have been updated today namely Oni and Zelda Ocarina of Time for Gamecube. Also while away, I came into contact with a high-res copy of the realtime Halo 2 E3 demo. Thus, the picture of the month. It looks like a friggen awesome game, despite not even being done yet, and not having played it. Whatever. Oh, and Serious Sam is the game of the month. Why? Play it and see, the review will be forthcoming soon. Till later, Happy Independence Day! (For all fellow damn Americanos!)
See! I told you I could think of another way to end it!