Developer: Nintendo
Publisher: Nintendo
System: Gamecube
Released: Feb '03
Review Date: 6/21/03
Review by:
Yeah, greatest adventure game of all time. Blah blah blah. Screw you people, until now I had never had the opportunity to play this game. For those who of you are still uninitiated, Zelda is quite possibly the most revolutionary 3d game of our time. Or maybe it was before your time. I don't know, 1998 seems like such a long time ago. Back then, I was still playing the Sega Geneses, but that's just me. Basically it's a massive 3d adventure game, where you went around and did stuff. That, and a crap load of people bought it, except me. *sigh* Well, here's the review of the game after I FINALLY got the game (it came with pre-ordering Zelda:Wind Waker, a pleasant surprise by any account.)
Well, they're graphics from the previous generation. There's no doubt about them being about 5 years old. Despite being displayed in high-res, this game is still pretty blurry. Granted, I'm sure these graphics kicked ass back in "the day". But to it's credit, it does well even with its limitations. When a game like this can transcend its limitations and still be expressive graphically, it's a rare sight to behold. The way the graphics are designed is incredible, it helps to evoke mood and emotion from the player.
Similar to graphics, a great deal of attention was paid to the sound. My favorite example is that of the Lost Woods, where you navigate the maze by listening for the music. An exit where the music is more prominent is probably the right way to go. Not to mention the ocarina itself, you play little musical tunes in order to go places or affect certain objects. Clever players will find that by using various buttons, you can play sharps, flats, different octaves, etc... Of course, since this is a Transmetal review, voice acting gets mentioned. Yeah... The screaming is good, since that's about all there is. Overall, the only detracting fact is that it's about 5 years old and it's basic stereo.
Basically, I've been smacking myself on the head, wondering why I didn't play this game years ago. Seriously, everyone who has ever told you how good this game is, was right. This is one of the single greatest games I have ever played. It's a gamer's game, the kind you can spend hours on without ever remembering to look at a watch. It's an adventure game, peppered with tons of side quests to keep you busy in between chunks of plot. Speaking of plot, while rather basic, it's executed in such an incredibly well thought manner that... that... I don't know what else to say. As a matter of fact, the whole game comes across as an incredibly well thought out, incredibly well executed game. If you haven't played it yet... Go out to Gamestop and pick it up from the Bargain bin. Now. I don't care if you have to buy another system. Play it dammit.
The Gamecube controller works find for this game. The only detractor I can think of is that damn C stick. It's much easier to punch out tunes on the N64 controller. Granted, three of the C buttons are assigned to x, y, and z... but you're still missing that fourth button. Other than that, the game controls exceedingly well. Also, take away the C stick, and you essentially have the controls for Zelda: Windwaker (Gamecube).
It's a great game that overcomes it's apparent age in the graphics / sound department. If you can only play one game your entire life, this should be it. Although that probably won't happen. And if you have this for Gamecube, you probably have that new Zelda two. Ah heck, two great Zelda games for the price of one? Not bad. If you can only get it for N64... Jeeze, just buy it dammit!
Graphics: 7/10
Outdated, yet still work well
Sound: 7/10
Outdated, yet still work well
Gameplay: 9.8/10
Jaw dropping, etc...
Control: 8/10
Works well, except for the C stick
Overall (not an average): 9.5/10
Time has proven it's worth, and Zelda is certainly worth it.