Domain Kain
News Archive
December 2002
I'm going on vacation. I have many problems to solve and many people to deal with. Actually the people and problems are one in the same. Either way, as I leave for places unknown to write my novel, I leave Jabox 4 in charge. Just because I have a sick sense of humor, I also leave Transmetal webmaster priviledges. Hehehe. This is the first time they heard about this too.
Oh yeah... About that Christmas story I was supposed to write... I couldn't think of any epic story to go along with Christmas (mostly because I just went to see LOTR: The Two Towers). So I tossed together the remenants of the Gundam Parody I was supposed to upload, oh, back in June. Now, it's a Christmas story, or at least passes as one. Don't ask, just read... Enjoy!
Well well... Looks like I forgot to upload the second episode of 23.4. Well... I REMEMBERED!!!!! SO HA!!!!!!!! It's there! Oh yeah, and it's also the LAST episode!!! Ohhhhh... I feel sooooooo incredibly evil, making a 2 episode series... MUWAHAHAHAHAHA. Um... other stuff... I seem to recall uploading Mall Santa by Garet, and Dress Rehersal by CheesyBoy. Yeah, I know Garet isn't even an official staff member yet (and when he becomes one, it's going to be for Blue Score), but we decided to let him test the waters, so to speak. Oh, the Staff page has been updated for the holiday season. Funny funny stuff from someone who keeps forgeting to write his Xmas story. One last thing, Super Mario Sunshine is one helluva kick-ass game... I've been playing it non-stop since I stole... er... borrowed it from CheesyBoy. I'll get around to posting a review once I review... Err... Let's just say there's a long waiting list... Enjoy!
I, as many of you know, am Chaos. I bring you nothing but the best and most sincere apologies about Blue Score. Kain has screwed the whole damn thing up. Now it won't be up for the holidays. Oh well, Kain's a screw up.
Kain: What the Hell? That's not true! You're the one that screwed it up, not me.
Chaos: That is a lie, and you know it. Dip.
Kain: That's it! It's ass whoopin' time!
Kain and Chaos are now unmercilously beating on each other.
Uh...I'm Spotlight. You should know that a new letter has been posted so...uh...go read it. thank you.
Ok, here's a whole bunch of updates:
- Blue Score Interviews - Shadow interviews the Blue Score staff!
- Remnants of a Domain Kain Christmas - A poem (more or less) by Kain
- Cheesy Boy's Reviews - Some of Cheesy Boy's reviews had been taken down because he didn't know about the scoring methods the other reviewers used the first time he wrote them. They're back now, and you can go read them over at the reviews page.
Hello, my name is (as you can see) Wolfbane. I'm the yet another new addition to the site, as Kain thought it needed someone besides just Transmetal updating every week. Unlike the aforementioned staff members, I don't plan on posting up little comedy stories. Personally, I believe the staff members need to get back into the routine of reviewing games, or some other form of literary work because there are just too many comedy stories. You can only laugh so many times before gagging on your own saliva. I plan on posting up the occasional rant, when I find something worth complaining about. Today I put up one such article, entitled Why Harry Potter Sucks.
Transmetal also decided to e-mail some stuff he forgot to post. Namely, Biosoldiers stuff. I'm rather confused as to why he keeps making comments about Biosoldier's lack of participation in the site, when he doesn't remember to post up bio's stories. His new stories include Huh? Where? and a Jingle Bell Parody. Speaking of Transmetal, he didn't know why Blue Score wasn't up because he finished the update around 2 in the morning (or, at least that's what he said). If Kain wishes to keep his staff members in line, he's going to need to bring out his "hammer of pain... er... justice" out, dust it off, and put it to use.
Okay, now the big guy upstairs is getting ticked. He has told his staf members to do certain jobs and none of those jobs have been done. Now, Jabox 4 won't answer his e-mails, IMs, phone calls, or letters, so the Blue Score Interviews and Chrsitmas may never come to Domain Kain. Transmetal hasn't gotten off his lazy ass to write a Christmas story. Barbie Boy is an idiot. That really has nothing to do with this, but it's true nonetheless. Cheesy Boy was supposed to interview a special guest. Shadow was supposed to do a Christmas special. Wolfbane was supposed to do something...anything. Let's see, who else? Kain was supposed to pick up his cousin after Karate class...uh oh. GOTTA GO!!!
Oh! One last thing. Transmetal, you know why Blue Score isn't up yet. It isn't finished. We have to finish it before it goes up. Before I can finish it, Jabox 4 needs to answer my calls/e-mails/IMs/letters. Do you understand, you lame brained dipstick!
With the really really pointless delay of Blue Score (My theory is that Kain is still playing Halo in his basement after eating too much Turkey and stuffing for T-day) also came the delay of my new super spiffy series 23.4 . The plan was to launch 23.4 after Blue Score was launched. But I say... NO. 23.4 was a story I finished well over 6 months ago (Mayve decided to post up the first episode today, along with the theme song. Yes, Blue Score will eventually make it here. But until then, enjoy 23.4.
Other stuff, I fixed the link to my Agent Under Fire review :). I wasn't aware that the tripod server was case-sensitive. The news was archived... And... umm... Oh yeah, our Christmas special(s) should be making there way up sometime soon. That's about it for today. Enjoy!