History Lesson
Impress your teacher with what really happened
Written by: CheesyBoyToday's Lesson: Noah and the whole Flood thing
Kain - The head of the fire department
- God, go figure?
Cheesy Boy - The Noah guy, and greatest(ummm, was that Moses?) person of all time, not Noah, Cheesy Boy
Shadow - Ummm.... yea, see he’s a shadow
- The drink server person, er, bitch
Biosoldier - Fire fighter guy, kinda ironic
Jabox4 - Ummm, he's not really in this one... I don't know why he's on this list...
The History thingy... Yea
A beautiful spring day, and Cheesy Boy is asleep on his neighbor's yard. Suddenly his hair bursts into flames.
Talking Fiery Hair (i.e. Transmetal) - Noah!
Cheesy Boy - It’s Cheesy Boy now, and we already did the flaming hair joke.
Transmetal - Wha.. we did?
Cheesy Boy - This is the second real history, and already we are repeating jokes.
Transmetal - Sorry, so... What should I be?
Cheesy Boy - I don’t know, what have you always wanted to be?
Transmetal - hmmmmm.... Aha!
Cheesy Boy - What are you supposed to be?”
Transmetal - Now I am the greatest thing ever, a TRANSFORMER!
Cheese sips some of his coffee and asked, “What do you transform into?”
Transmetal - I become... where did you get the coffee?
Cheesy Boy - What coffee? (Sips coffee)
Transmetal - That coffee in your hand.
Cheese takes a sip of coffee, then continues, “I have no idea were your getting this.
Transmetal - Bu... never mind.
Cheesy Boy - So you were going to transform or something.
Transmetal - Right. TRANSFORM!
Cheesy Boy - Why do you change into an ark?
Transmetal - I’m not too sure myself.
Cheesy Boy - Great, so why are you ruining my day?
Transmetal - Right. Well you see, I want to have the largest video game library ever. So, you must bring me two of every game.
Cheesy Boy - Why two?
Transmetal - Duh, so the games can mate and have little games.
Cheese sips coffee, “Right. But first my neighbors yard seems to be burning quite well. I’m actually surprised grass burns so well. Could you... you know, put it out?”
Transmetal - The games, then the firey remains of your neighbors yard, and well, I guess by the time you return the house will be on fire too. Wow, don’t you have a fire department?
Barbie Boy - You know the alarm is going off.
Kain - Shut up, I'm thirsty.
Barbie Boy - Yes sir.
Transmetal - That was unnecessary.
Cheesy Boy - I needed to fit them in there some how.
Transmetal - You could of made Kain your neighbor. That’s more creative, and it would actually have bearing on the plot.
Cheesy Boy - Actually...
Kain - What the hell did you do to my house? I’m going to kill you two!
Transmetal - Wait, I have an idea! Actually Kain isn’t here and this isn’t his house. Because... Because he lives in an apartment which for some reason means he won’t hurt me.
Kain - Wait, this isn’t my house. (He gets in his car and drives away.)
Cheesy Boy - See what you did?
Transmetal - Just get the games.
Cheesy Boy - Here, is that fire still going?
Transmetal - Yeah, it covers most of the world now, so do you have the games
Cheesy Boy - Yeah, now do something about the fire.
Transmetal - Sure.
Cheesy Boy - So, how long will it rain for?
Transmetal - Damned if I know. But the world is going to flood. So I would expect a while.
Cheesy Boy - You do know that doing that will kill every one?
Transmetal - Really?
Cheesy Boy - Why don’t you transform into that Ark form you become, and carry me until it stops raining?
Transmetal - hmmm...
Cheesy Boy - I do have two of every game.
Transmetal - Sure, why didn’t you say so?