History Lesson
Impress your teacher with what really happened
Written by: CheesyBoyToday's Lesson: Moses and the whole Egypt thing
Kain - The bad ruler guy, OF EVIL
- God, go figure?
Cheesy Boy - The Moses guy, and greatest person of all time, not Moses, Cheesy Boy
Shadow - Ummm.... yea, see he’s a shadow
- An idiot, he’s quite talented
Biosoldier - A smurf, and a Guard
Jabox4 - Ummm, I’ve kind of run out of ideas for roles, he’s ummm, another... smurf, and another Guard. Sounds good to me.
The History thingy... Yea
Cheesy Boy is relaxing in the shade of a pineapple tree, drinking a Dr. Pepper (The single greatest drink ever, EVER) when suddenly, his hair catches on fire, and starts to talk.
Talking Firery Hair - Hi...
Talking Firery Hair - Shut up this is Transmetal, God. So listen Moses
Cheesy Boy (who is know ignoring his flaming head of hair) - Cheesy boy
Transmetal - Whatever, have you seen my Game Cube?
Cheesy Boy - What about the Egypt, and the whole slavery thing?
Transmetal -Yea, some one should do something, but seriously, where is the Game Cube?
Cheesy Boy - Did you leave it in Egypt again?
Transmetal - Damnit, probably.
Cheesy Boy - Let's go get it.
Cheesy Boy - Hey Captain Kain, have you seen Transmetal’s Game Cube?
Kain - Yes, but I stole it. So sorry.
Transmetal - Hey, I have really cool powers now that I’m a flaming head of hair.
Cheesy Boy - Talking Firery Hair
Transmetal - Right, what he said. Watch. Cheesy, throw your Game Cube controller on the ground.
Cheesy Boy - Screw you.
Transmetal - Do it!!!
Cheesy Boy - Fine.
Kain - What the hell is that? No matter, my smurfs can also perform such stupid acts of temporary amusement.
Kain - That’s even worse then hair boy’s thing.
Kain - You're the best lackey I’ve ever had. Now get rid of hair boy.
Cheesy Boy - Well, know what?
Transmetal - Ummm, plagues?
Cheesy Boy - Right! And I know just which ones.
Cheesy Boy - Damnit
Kain - Do I have ANY security guards?
Pointing at them, Kain looks at the wiener dog and says - Eat.
Cheesy Boy - Look Kain...
Kain - What the hell happened to your hands? Why are they on fire?
Cheesy Boy - You would really think they would of burned out by now, but they haven’t. Back to the current issue. Transmetal and I have come up with some plagues to get the Gamecube back...
Kain - Really, like what.
Cheesy Boy - Mainly fish heads.
Cheesy Boy - Alright, last chance.
Kain - Damnit, enough with the fish heads.
Cheesy Boy - No, this is far worse. Barbie Boy, come here!
Cheesy Boy - Meet the 10th plague.
Barbie Boy, and Kain - What?!
Cheesy Boy - Barbie boy has been made immortal, so you can’t kill him. Now for the final touch.
Transmetal - Right, my queue.
Transmetal - Ha, those are unbreakable.
Cheesy Boy, Transmetal - AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH
Barbie Boy - Sooooooo... you seem to like fish heads, they're all over the place.
Kain - Actually, it’s good you can’t die
Barbie Boy - What?
Kain - So know I can beat you for eternity.