To Eat, or Not to Eat
Written by:Beautiful freedom, oh how happy I am to be released. Hours upon hours of notes; strange archaic markings on a monochromatic surface. My happiness is only compounded by a small, seemingly innocent piece of knowledge. On this day of the week, there is a glob of grease, encapsulated in a wheat based substance, waiting for us. This scrumptious, tasty morsel of fat and calcium awaits my presence.
Hungrily, I eye my goal up ahead. The endless line, through which I must travel, appears to mock my hunger. I play with my two 1-dollar bills, attempting to keep myself occupied. This thing of beauty, this tasty morsel, this heavenly calzone is a mere meter out of reach.
However, as I look onward towards my prize, my eye is caught by what could be the solution to my problem; my salvation. Within my grasp lies an untouched piece of satisfaction. An unimaginably delightful piece of deli meat; a grand mixture of succulent ingredients. Within reach lies a simple, unassuming roast beef sandwich.
Oh, my dear calzone! How I have longed to digest your molecules of nutrition, and your vats of unhealthy lipids. But out happiness was not to be. I am sure that there is someone else out there; your special omnivore. But for me, I found my true love. I have fed my hunger; my desire for sustenance.
Maybe I’ll see you tomorrow.