Developer: EA Sports
Publisher: Electronic Arts
System: Gamecube
Released: 11/18/01
Review Date: 6/17/02
Review by: CheesyBoy
I’ve never been a big sports game fan, I like Tony Hawks, but not as much as most. But I love this game. Oh, and Transmetal’s an idiot. I am writing this review to spite him. He gave SSX Tricky a, well not bad, but not what it deserved review. Comparing it to Tony, and complaining about the frame rate (barely noticeable, I will explain about it later though). I love this game. See about 2 and 1/2 months ago I lent him this game, and in return he lent me Super Monkey Ball (great game) . When I asked for it back 2 weeks ago he was hesitant to comply. I forced him to promise to give it back the next day and he did. Now, I’m no psychologist, but it seemed he liked it. Hmmmm.
Yes, there is a frame rate problem, but it’s barely noticeable. And, I kid you not, Trans went from TV to TV looking as carefully at the pixleation as he could. He went to Barbie Boy’s house, and used the many TV’s in his house, just to confirm his suspicions about the frame rate. Unless your him, you'll never notice. The graphics on the characters is good. Not great but good. What really stands out is the levels. All of them are so pretty. Some are colorful and will give you a seizure (Tokyo), and some are at night, and it adds that little effect that makes everyone happy (Mercury city). Then there is the billboards. Through out every levels are billboards for items endorsed by the characters. And you can grind on them. But something that’s really pretty id the Tricky tricks. The characters take off the board and fling it around, doing some really cool things. They will be later explained My only real problem is the one hair on the characters. It all sticks together and acts like on big appendage. But most games have that problem.
First there is the ever present Tricky song. The song is just repeating tricky over and over again. Catchy, but in the long run, annoying. Then there is the voice acting. Each character has a Varity of things they say when they pull off the trick or just mess it up. Like Eddy (the fro guy) when he falls sometimes he will say things like, “Just like I planned, only bad!”. Then there is the Japanese girl that just spots god knows what. It’s funny, and adds an extra element. Then there is the commentator. For the commentator they got musician Razel. Some of you might know him, he beboxs, and can do the beat and the chorus at the same time. It’s really cool. You should download some of his stuff.
This is were Trans’s idiot qualities really shine. If you look at his review he complained about how if you miss a jump then that’s it, you can’t do it over again. Cry me a (exploitive deleted) you (exploitive deleted)(exploitive deleted)(exploitive deleted)(exploitive deleted)(exploitive deleted)(exploitive deleted)(exploitive deleted)(exploitive deleted)(exploitive deleted), yea. If you want a Tony Hawks rip off, then don’t buy this game. The fact that in one you stand in the same little half pipe doing the same stupid moves, and in the other you go down a verity of maps, and find secrets galore and so much to see. I prefer the course to the confining area. So screw you Trans! Now, I will expand on the trickys. What they are really really cool trick that are hard to pull of and give you uber points. To be able to pull one off you must have your boost meter full, and then you can do the tricky tricks for the next 30 seconds, or you fall. If you pull of 5 trickys, then you have infinite boost, and can do a tricky when ever you wanted. This is really the best part of the game.
Despite the fact that Trans is a complete idiot, he was right about the controls, and I completely agree with him on this. Especially the button of evil, EVIL. Though once you get better you can easily avoid this button, OF EVIL.
I really like this game, and the only flaws trans found was it’s not Tony Hawks 4, and that frame rate thing that he researched extensively. Don’t get this game hoping for a Tony rip off, get it if you are looking for a great game.
Graphics: 7.5/10
Sound: 8/10
Gameplay: 9/10
Control: 8/10
Overall (not an average): 8.5/10