Developer: Sonic Team
Publisher: Sega
System: Gamecube
Released: 2/12/02
Review Date: 7/26/02
Review by: CheesyBoy
What?! Now, that’s Sonic, you know the hedgehog, but he’s... on a Nintendo system? No, something is wrong, the sworn enemy of Nintendo, shouldn’t be making an appearance in the Nintendo army. At least not before the beloved Mario (excluding Super Smash Bro.s Melee). MY HEAD. OH THE PAIN!!!!!!!!
Yea, Garet the computer here, considering Cheesy Boy’s head blew up, I think I’ll review this confusing game.
So, it finally happened. We knew it was coming, Sonic on Game Cube. Yet, it still feels really weird. In case you didn’t know, Sega, has given up on the console business. But there games always did so well, so now they just make games. It hurts to see such a great company, be hurt, but I guess it’s for the better. Now, every one can enjoy the beauty of Sega. Viva la Sega.
This is the problem child of the game. They didn’t give the graphics the much needed boost for Game Cube. But considering what a good job they originally did, there still okay. But it’s disappointing to see the hedgehog not live up to the full potential. It’s a little blocky.
And every now and then they have a rendered scene or two, and during each one they show an ugly little girl with pig tails. SHE SCARES THE CHAO’S, STOP SHOWING HER.
There are of course the old favorites in this game, Sonic, Knuckles (the coolest one), and Tails. But they added 2 new characters, and let you play as Eggy, Shadow (evil Sonic), Rouge (Evil Knuckles), and Eggman (Evil Tails). Now, there cool, and for my money this is there ranking for best Character.
- Knuckles
- Shadow
- Sonic
- Rouge
- Tails
- Amy
- Eggman
Eggman comes in a distant 7, behind Amy, who you couldn‘t play as. Tails and Amy would of been higher up there, but they did something horrible to them, I will explain later.
I like the sound in the game, Whether it be listening to the chao’s sing, or the voice acting, I enjoyed it. The voice acting was good, though it did get kind of messed up by the fact that the characters mouth's moved in such weird ways.
But each character has his/her own theme, and they can all be listened to in the sound test category, or you could just play a level as them.
Other than that there's not much to say. Oh yea, fish head.
This is what matters. And though I had fun, there were some noticeable flaws. I just get rid of thoughts right off the bat.
Sonic/Shadow - Follows same old “We run really fast” method of game play. Though they added new elements to it, still boils down to that.
Knuckles/Rouge - For these characters you have to find pieces of the Master Emerald, and with Knuckles you can feel were they are, and Rouge has a little machine that tells her were the pieces are.. The only problem is you have to find them in order. You can’t feel/pick up on radar were one is until you found the other one. There still there, I have found a piece of the master emerald with out any help. But I mean do they not give of radiation until another one was found or something? It makes no sense.
Tails/Eggman - What the heck have they done to Tails? He’s Tails, he flies! Why on earth did they stick him in his custom plane/walker/car instead of let him be Tails. I think the reason they did this is because Tails needed an evil counterpart. See the main theme of the game is good vs. evil, this is also continued in the chao world, which I will explain later. Since Tails and Eggman are both geniuses they decided to put them in the walker machines. But they could of had a little leeway, maybe give Tails a cool gun, and let him still be Tails, instead of the cyclone pilot Tails.
Amy - She’s not in the game as a playable character!? If you play the GBA Sonic Adventure then you get to play as Amy, but not in this game. Come on people, she’s cute, she’s cool, she caries a big ass hammer, what more do you want. But again, she fell victim to the good/evil premise, because they couldn’t come up with a evil Amy. Too bad, maybe next time.
But with all that said, I still really enjoyed the game, it has a good story, and then there are the ever addicting Chao. These guy’s have no bearing on the story mode, but playing the stages has an impact on these guys. When you kill a bad guy you get it’s power source, which coincidentally makes the chao stronger in one of 5 areas: Swimming, Running, Flying, Power, and Stamina. Making them really good in one area or another will change how they look, like a Running/Running Chao will look like Sonic. Or a Flying/Flying Chao will look like a Guy from the game Knights (great game). And the good/evil thing is continued here too. You can make a Hero/Neutral/Dark Chao. So there are almost limitless possibilities for the little guy’s.
There are also some camera problems, but almost every game has camera problems.
I will say it again, some flaws, but still lots of fun.
The controls are really nothing spectacular. It’s what you would expect, the big button is jump, forward is forward, and the B button is the action button. But eventually you get moves worthily of the worlds fastest hedgehog.
Graphics: 5/10
Didn’t up them for the Game Cube
Sound: 8/10
Shadow sounds EVIL
Gameplay: 8/10
Noticeable flaws, yet still fun
Control: 7/10
What you would expect, and simple, nice and simple
Overall (not an average): 6.5/10
I love Sonic, you love Sonic, everybody loves Sonic! And if you love Sonic, why not get this game?