Developer: Viscious Cycle
Publisher: TDK
System: Gamecube
Released: 10/15/01
Review Date: 4/15/03
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Yeah, so once there was this show called Robotech. It was a combination of three seperate anime series from Japan (Macross, Mospeada, Southern Cross). Without going into too much detail, Harmony Gold somehow managed to edit them to create a vast 81+ episode series that has about as many fans today (if not more) than it did back in 1983ish / whenever the hell it was released in the US. Personally, I've only seen the first saga (Macross), but the general idea is that there's these groups of people that save the world from those pesky alien invaders. Yeah, and transforming mecca! The game Robotech: Battlecry follows a story a little outside of what occured in the first saga. You also get to be a pilot of a Mech of sorts. This particular Mech kicks ass, as it has the ability to change from a F-14(fighter) to a Gundam type thingy (Battloid) to a F-14/Gundam hybrid (Guardian). I appologize for having to compare it to Gundam, but both Macross and Gundam rule.
The first thing you will notice about the game are the graphics. The creators decided to make use of a now common style called "Cell Shading", in which the outlines of models have thick black lines. Basically, it makes for a funky cartoon effect. For once, it appears as if someone has put this style to good use. This technique allows the game graphics to retain a style similar to that of the anime/cartoon. That, and the robot just looks soooooooo bad ass. Ok, first mission is simple enough. You just stay in Fighter mode and shoot down enemy pods, right? You don't really have any use for the ability to transform until the second half of the mission, at which point you realize this must be the one of the freaking coolest things ever. Before I start spouting pro-tranforming-mecca stuff, allow me to begin the review.
I've already covered the graphics, essentially. The cel-shading allows for a really cool cartoon-ishness to the game. The levels tend to be large and expansive, and can be divided into two fields. A) Air/Space B)Ground. There really isn't much in-between, but there is some creativity used to create the levels. I hate slow down, so it is with great pleasure that I can announce that there is NONE. In the end however, they're cool and stylized... but its not incredibly detailed. I know I'm being picky, but the graphics are just... Well, there.
They could have easily reused the soundtrack from the television series, which they did in a way. They ended up re-recording the original soundtrack (plus one or two original tunes that I probably missed), and brining back the original voice actors for the game. That means we get REAL voice actors, yea! They're good, and they sound just like they did way back in the original show.
Among other things, gameplay may be its weakest aspect. This particular section was hard to right, because as a fan of this type of material I was apt to give it an overly good rating. Along with Wave Race, this is the game I'm most likely to pull out in another 5 months just to play again. If not for the medals you can earn, than just for fun. The different types of missions in this game can be counted with your fingers. However, they always add something new to keep it interesting. And the difficulty is nothing to be scoffed at either. This is a fairly hard game compared to most, and you won't be a good player until you master the 3 configurations of your veritech. In the end, its a shooting game with a classic liscense. Great fun, but those who aren't fans of either the genre or the show may not get as much enjoyment.
The ability to transform your veritech whenever-the-hell-you-want-to is a definite bonus and requires only a tap of the digital pad. The third person control setup can be a little sticky at times, as once you lock onto a enemy your gun will automatically aim towards it. If you, like me, attempt to suddenly change the enemy you intend to fire at like in an FPS, you will find the character still shooting in the other enemy's direction. Although, this feature redeems itself as it can lock onto enemy's you don't notice, or the large multitude of missles that are constantly firing upon those you must protect. Good, but frustrating at certain times.
I personally loved this game. Just like Wave Race before it, its a game that isn't perfect, but once you get the hang of it you will probably enjoy it just as much as I have.
Graphics: 7.5/10
Anime-zation is cool
Sound: 8/10
Remix of old toons, good VAs
Gameplay: 7/10
Good 'ole fun
Control: 7/10
Sticky at times, but good
Overall (not an average): 7.5/10
A really fun game, if you like robots