Developer: Nintendo
Publisher: Nintendo
System: Gameboy Advanced
Release Date: 11/18/2002
Review Date: 3/22/2004
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Alright, I have a bit of a confession to make. I'm what you might call a "Metroid N00b". I have never player Metroid before, except a few minutes of"Prime". Coming into Fusion for the first time, I didn't know what the hell a Metriod actually was, much less why the main character was trying to kill them. Perhaps this a bit of blashphemy, Metriod is another one of those game franchises (such as Sonic, Zelda, Final Fantasy, etc...) that fans follow religiously, and with good reason too. These games have the reputation of NEVER having a bad title in the series, so why oh why hasn't Transmetal ever played one? That's what I asked myself, which is why I played the damn game into the ground.
Man, I love 2d games. Having grown up on NES and Genises (yeah... I... I sorta never got an SNES... ) I have a soft spot for them. A 2d game with a plot is something I'm not used to, which is why that opening cut scene came as such a pleasant surprise. There is certainly a plot in this game, while not the quality of a book, it adds a wonderful layer of tension and mystery to the experience. The first cut scene has you walking on to some planet (perhaps from an earlier game? It's insinuated that she's been there before) where you encounter the X, poorly named, but dangerous little bastards. Just one is enough to take over our hero's nervous system, and send her crashing into an asteriod. Conveniently, they have to remove her clothes... er... suit. This also means you'll end up having to run around collecting upgrades which, I'm told, is par for the course for a metriod title.
2d graphics have an advantage over 3d graphics. 2d graphics can be used to express a greater warmth, a feeling that the game is more organic in nature than straight line polygons. For a game whose enviornments and enemies are pseudo natural (actually, they're more like genetic freaks), this is pretty important. The graphics for this game are smooth, uber smooth. They're fast, fast like 2d. Enemies look cool, weapons look cool, and bosses are just plain scary looking at times. I'm going to rate this as I see it, the graphics, especially for a handheld, are awesome.
Dude... It's mono. It's mono because there's only one speaker. I'm using a GBA SP, therefore the headphone jack isn't included. This sucks, and I'm certainly NEVER going back to the non-lit GBA. The music isn't really intersting, it's ambient and that's about it. It can be spooky at times, and when the SA-X comes along you KNOW you should be running like hell. It's not bad by any means, it just doesn't have the "stuck in your head" quality that the original (now that I've been inspired to play it) has. Sound effects are pretty good too, although the bombs have an annoying wistling sound afterwards. Overall, that scary SA-X tune is enough to give it a "good" rather than an "average".
I'll say this, the only reason it got a 9 rather than... say... a 10 was because the game is too damn short. It'll take you 4hrs at max (assuming you get stuck a bunch, spend time looking for upgrades) the first time around, although the second time opens up all the areas at the end (meaning you can use your upgrades to find further upgrades). Metroid Fusion is a perfect blend of exploration, adventure, platforming, and occasionally even a bit of good 'ole fashion 2d "find your own fucking way out of this mess". It's story adds tension to an already perfect game, and having an actual reason to beat the bosses (aka, not only saving your ass but getting back abilities that those bastards stole) gives a great incentive to keep kicking ass all the way through. Zapping viruses with a gun strapped to your right hand has never been this fun.
Being a 2d game, the difficulties inherent in a 3d control system / camera are not present. Control is more or less perfect, giving you enough time to think what your next move will be while fast enough to respond to last second decisions. The only real difficulty comes in the GBA SP design, which makes using the triggers a bit of a pain for those of us with large hands.
Metroid Fusion is one of those "near perfect" games that comes out every so often. 10 years down the road, those of us who have played it will reminisce about it, complaining how modern games don't compare to the classics. It's only real detraction is how short it is (audio complaints are minor detractions at best), but it has plenty of replay value the second time around to forgive this shortcoming. It'll be one of the best $40 you'll ever spend.
Graphics: 9.5/10
Lush, organic, and just plain good looking.
Sound: 7/10
When you hear the SA-X theme, you know it's time to get the hell out of there
Gameplay: 9/10
Holy shit...
Controls: 9/10
Read above
Overall (not an average): 9/10
I've become a Metriod fan in less than 4 hours