Developer: Infogrames
Publisher: Webfoot Technologies
System: Game Boy Advanced
Released: 5/2/02
Review Date: 6/7/02
Review by: Cheesy Boy
Dragon Ball Z has had a bad run of luck with games. Every one falling short, and not meeting expectations. They are always made with half assed attempts, and we sigh every time that happens. One big sigh. But what about this new one, unlike the others it’s not a fighter, it looks like it is more along the lines of early Zelda. I like Zelda, I like Dragon Ball Z, sounds like a winning combination, sort of. It’s better but it falls short.
I just keep wondering why they don’t get a good company to make a great DBZ game. Like combine Armor Core, with Zelda 64. You lock on to people (Zelda 64), but you can fly around and shoot your energy attacks (Armor Core). Then plop on a big map to explore and the great DBZ plot, and put in a Diablo 2 style level gaining system and you got your self game. But noooo, lets not listen to the freak in sheep blood.
"I like that idea.”
“Leave me and sheep's blood alone. We need space.”
Hey look it’s little Goku and those other shits that matter very little in this game, it’s all about Goku. They're decent, you can recognize them at a glance, and they look cool in an old school game sort of way. I actually like the graphics, but it was for GBA, so even the best graphics can fall short because it’s a handheld. Good, yet nothing to write home about.
One thing I didn’t like were the little cut scenes, there just pics from the show. The first time this happened I waited 5 minutes for it to go away, then found out you just push a button and it goes away, NEVER THE LESS.
“Never the less!? You're just dumb shit.”
“Go away.”
I usually don’t listen to the sound on handhelds, just plop on some head phones and play the game (a little habit I picked up because of the god off full sounds in some game boy games) but I took them off just for you.
The music in the background is okay, again nothing special, it’s just there. It does enhance the mood, but still, any game can do that. But there was one thing I liked. If you charge the Kamehameha blast you hear the little Goku Kamayamaya yell, and every one likes that.
The controls are good. These help a lot, and considering they only had 4 buttons, they did really well with. These buttons let you punch, fly, use an energy attack, and switch energy attacks. That’s really all you need in this game. Couldn’t ask for any thing more.
“Maybe for it to be good.”
“That's it, I’ve had it with your sassy mouth. Go to your room.”
“Your not the boss of me, man. I’m like totally free man.”
“We will see how free you are with two broken legs.”
“But we have the same set of le... AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH”
“Serves you right. Hey... my legs...”
The game play is okay, you get to fly around and shit, but... THEY DESECRATED THE STORY. Seriously, they leave out so much, or just do have assed explanations. In the beginning when Goku’s bro comes, he says pretty much You're a Saiyan, join us. You resist, I’ll take your son. And leaves. They just didn’t develop it as much as they should have, as a DBZ fan I am pisssed. F?CKING PISSED.
And though you do get to fly and shit, it’s just lacking. It doesn’t have the intense battles, all it is, is a lot of running and shooting from a distance.
So much wasted potential. NOOOOOOOOOO. (cry) (cry)
Graphics: 8/10
Sound: 7/10
Gameplay: 4/10
Control: 8.5/10
Overall (not an average): 4/10