Developer: Naughty Dog
Publisher: Sony
System: PS2
Released: 12/__/01 ... find out yourself
Review by: Shadow
In order for a platformer to succeed in a world where only the best and brightest survive, a platformer must be both challenging with enemies and puzzles. However, this is not a world in which the best and brightest survive, this is a world where good games can be made. Jak and Daxter is, definitely, a great game. It shows a great combination of action/adventure and puzzle solving. Most platformers can’t get this good, especially on the first try. The only others that come to mind are...what were they...Mmmmarrio? Ssssonnic?
When I first saw Jak and Daxter, my thoughts were, “Oh great, another Crash Bandicoot style game.” I was pretty much right. Jak and Daxter, however, puts a new style into the game. Crash was good and all, but Daxter is just so damn funny. I mean, seriously, there aren’t many characters in the gaming universe that can make me laugh like Daxter does. Ah yes, the furry one. Any way, when playing it for the first time, I found the game to be quite enjoyable from the get-go. I’d go into detail, but that would make a short (or shorter anyway) review.
The graphics are very nicely done. I find that when it comes to fluid environments, cool looking people, and funny, furry dudes, this game has it all. It isn’t quite up to Gamecube or X BOX standards, but those are more powerful systems anyway. Still, for a 128-bit system, the graphics rock. Kain even admits to liking this game and he doesn’t like the PS2 all that much. There are some slight flaws in the graphics, but nothing to worry about. Any problems you have with the way people look, well, they’re cartoons, what’cha gonna do?
The game sounds very nice. The sound adds a lot of mood to the game and I like that. The one thing that bothers me is that the only time you here Jak’s voice is when he grunts. I do like the amount that Daxter talks though. Man, that guy is funny. Anyway, did I mention how funny Daxter is?
The game is outstandingly fun. Jak and Daxter have mastered the art having a fun game. The gameplay is helped even more so by the hilarious Daxter. The game doesn’t have many slow loads, and the ones it has aren’t that slow. It’s very nice. I love the moves Jak does, and Daxter’s actions are great, too.
The controls are good for the platform genre. I would like to see the controls replicated. They work very well with the controller. The controls are fluid and it feels just right. Except for people with big hands like Kain. Wait, I think I just insulted myself...
The graphics are top-notch PS2. The sound adds to the greatness, especially when Daxter is being funny. The gameplay rocks. The controls are a bit shaky, but work well enough. It’s a good game, okay? BUY IT! BUY IT!
Graphics: 8/10
The game looks great, feels great, and goes great with a side of oranges
Sound: 9/10
Daxter’s voice overs are funny as hell
Gameplay: 9/10
Very, very fun
Control: 8/10
A tad shaky
Overall (not an average): 8.5/10
This game is great