Developer: Bioware
Publisher: Black Isle Studios
System: Personal Computer
Released: ??
Review Date: 5/20/02
Review by: Cheesy Boy
Have you ever felt constricted by most RPG’s. Don’t get me wrong, I love RPG’s but most of the time your character is basically mapped out for you from the beginning. He will be a good fighter, with some magic, most of the time an all around good character. Good HP, good MP, good STR. But this is different. You could make your person anything you want. You want him to be a she, and to be a kick ass fighter? Okay. You want to make a incredibly powerful mage that could be killed by a slap from a little girl? Okay. You want a thief that can take what ever he wants? Okay. This is a game that gives you uncontrolled freedom like never before. Complete control over your character.
As with most PC games you can adjust the graphics according to your pc. And even with my crappy pc.
“I am not crappy you dick.”
“Not now Garet, I’m being forced into labor by the evil and benevolent man Kain.”
“Just say ’I’m sorry Garet, you're a good computer’”
“I will destroy your Baldur’s Gate 2 character.”
“You wouldn’t.”
“You can’t win Cheese”
“SAY IT!!”
“I’m sorry garet.”
“Good, the graphics are good and the magic's look really cool.”
“That’s my job... forced labor activity. Yea it does have good graphics. Tres pretty.”
“I like the French.”
“Yea, can you believe she failed me.”
“WHAT. That’s horrible.”
This is one of the few games that has voice acting. And it’s pretty good. The best one is for the char Mince and Boo. Mince is a big stupid guy, and Boo is his hamster. He is quite clearly insane and it’s hilarious.
The sound is cool. It blends in to create a world for you. Like when you cook, the ingredients need to blend together to create a whole new item. If one overbears the others then it loses something. Everything needs to work in harmony, the music enhances emotions of your character and you are only vaguely aware it’s putting the emotions in you. Do you know what I mean?
“No one asked you.”
"You just did”
“Shut up Garet.”
We know how it looks and sounds, but an important factor, how it plays. And it plays wonderfully. IF you have ever played Diablo or Diablo 2, it’s like that with up to 6 characters, and there are more choices of chars. And you have so much freedom of what you can do. I made an increasable pick pocketing thief. Now, people doubted my choice. Until I stole from anyone I wanted, including stores. I had an infinite well of money. I had all the best items. I donated 50,000 to a temple to raise my rep 1 point, while they are having trouble raising 20,000. I have all the best items and can just throw around my money. He is also good with a quarterstaff.
Freedom. I said it before and I’ll say it again freedom. One of the first things you must do is get 20,000 to get your friend free. And to get the money you must do other quests. There is almost infinite amount of them, and you are not forced to do any of them. You have almost unlimited control.
There are a lot of hot keys. A lot. the majority of the keyboard is hot keys. It goes to the point that learning them isn’t worth the time. I don’t even try to keep up with all of them. Though I’m sure once you get used to them they're great.
Good game. I thoroughly enjoy playing it and recommend it to you. (like the expansive overview?)
“Stop interrupting me”
“You asked me a question.”
“It was a broad statement, and not directed at you.”
“If it’s not a question then why is there a question mark there.”
“Shut up.”
Graphics: 7/10
Sound: 8.5/10
Gameplay: 8.5/10
Control: 6/10
Overall (not an average): 8/10