Developer: ?
Publisher: ?
System: Game Boy
Released: A long time ago
Review by: Shadow
Hmm...Crash Dummies...from the commercials...great.
This could be an interesting game. The second level was pretty cool. The characters in the commercials are kind of funny. Let’s give it a good honest try.
Considering it’s on Game Boy the graphics aren’t that bad. They could be better but they aren’t that bad. I feel that making this a category for the old skool Game Boy games is unfair. With Kain’s permission, I have taken this category out of the review.
Kain: From here on, because of the original Game Boy’s age and power, the graphics section will not be included in those reviews. Thank you.
The sound in the game is very well executed...if it were Pinball. The sound is the same every time. Jingles are every where. Not good jingles, annoying jingles. To that, I say, “Jingle this!”
The second level is actually very entertaining...but after that, the game is horrible. I’m talkin’ like Fanastic-Four-for-PSX horrible. The game has no point, which just makes it worse. My god, what is the idea sending a game like this to the masses. This game is even worse than what Kain says Azurik is like. Well, at least this game has a great first level.
Very basic and doesn’t necessarily do what is told. Some of the bigger and more evasive moves are very difficult to perform because of the sluggish controls.
Ok, at least the second level is good.
Graphics: N/A
It isn’t fair to grade the graphics of games like these.
Sound: 2/10
Boring jingles all day driving me mad!!!
Gameplay: 2/10
After the second level, it’s all down hill.
Control: 1/10
Stubborn and sluggish
Overall (not an average): 1.5/10
This game would have been pretty good on the Snes and with the levels redone...maybe