Domain Kain
News Archive
September 2003
It seems our "amazing series of regular updates" has failed to meet even my low expectations of the staff. Is that... laziness I smell? Inexcusable, and time for me to step in. The staff game awards have been updated, with two sets of nominees to compensate for lack of updates this week.
Our amazing series of regular updates continues at a blistering rate, I may have to dunk my body into ice cold water afterwards so I don't incinerate. Today we have another set of nominees updated. This particular set was the byproduct of a particularly insane staff member, you'll understand when you see it. Also of importance is another new review of Blood Omen for PC, as reviewed by myself. It'll be interesting to see the difference in opinion between my review and Kain's. Ok, I'm off to play Blood Omen 2 (Yeah, looks like I'm playing the whole series now). Enjoy!
The begining of a series of regular updates?! GASP! Today we have another update in the Staff Game Awards section. Funny story about today's nominees. You see, our local arcade burned down a few months ago. Even the games they had there were about 3 years old, so our experience with arcade games has been severely hampered to say the least. Thus, we gave the time requirements for the arcade games a little slack. We just picked the ones we liked best, ya know? Ok, I'm off to play Blood Omen (What can I say? Kain keeps nagging me to play it...). Enjoy!
After several weeks of intense slacking (we give our best for you, the reader), we can now begin posing up the Game Awards, as decided by the Domain Kain Staff. Actually, it was done by Jabox4, CheesyBoy, Kain, and Transmetal. Supposedly this is going to dramatic or something, so we're going to upload all the nominees first, then the awards (one by one). The link to the awards can either be found in the "reviews" section or right here. Enjoy!
Several minor updates today. It turns out that the index for past comics was messed up, and I didn't notice. I figured it'd be good to fix them before we actually start uploading them at a regular pace. Also, I messed up Kain's quote the other day. It actually goes "I'm surrounded by people. (then cut off)". Last but not least, credit is now given to the writers of each comic, similar to how we give credit on each story. Boo yeah. Now I'm off to go... do stuff! Enjoy!
Oh right, new month, new Pic of the month(s), etc... Also we have another story entitled Untitled. Ominous, isn't it? Of course it is. Oh right, the Ink Blot Test! Here are the results from Emode's Inkblot test.
Kain. You approach the world with reserve because unconsciously, and perhaps consciously, you like to be in control. You keep your emotions to yourself and you may seem mysterious or enigmatic to others. You're often very cautious about truly expressing yourself. Even people who have known you for some time may find it hard to get close to you. Your psyche is very deep and rich; the more you learn about it, the more you will understand who you really are.
Transmetal. You have a deeply-rooted desire to make peace in the world. Whether through subtle interactions with loved ones, or through getting involved in social causes, it is important to you to be able to influence the world in a positive way. You have a deep respect for humankind. You care about the future of the world, even beyond your own involvement in it, and you inspire others to feel the same way. Your innate drive toward peace guides you in daily life towards decisions that are respectful toward yourself and others. Your psyche is very rich; the more you learn about it, the more you will understand who you really are.
Wow, very insigtful isn't it? If you would like to take this test to and email us your results (we'll post 'em, and it's fun to read these things!). It can be found at Emode's website. Enjoy!
We have a new e-mail from a viewer. This one I have to say is my favorite. Check it out at the Community Section.
Also, about the awards. They'll be up in about a week. That's all for now.