Domain Kain
News Archive
April 2003
Boo. Now seriously, this is getting rediculous. I enjoy puttin' shit off as much as the next guy, but when I say I'm going to do something, it HAPPENS. I just want someone to do something. I only want it for you the reader, becaue I am selfless and benevolent.
I of course am immune to this request of someone do something. Why? Simple, I was the last to update content. So SCREW YOU!
So come on, I don't want to have to do stuff. COME ON!
Lighting flashes. The ominious rumbling in the distance echoes off into the distance. A storm is approaching. Nature renews itself, as will we. Changes are coming, and shit happens, whether we like it or not. I mean, hell. Look at my writing style! I'm not supposed to be serious... Dammit! Things are happening, things that were not expected. ... No... We're not turning this page into a web blog. Damn, I hate those things. But in all seriousness, the time for waiting has passed. Things are happening, things will change. Wait and see. Wait and enjoy. Ah heck. Why wait? Grab a snickers... heheheheheh...
Boo. Well it look like we (by which I mean me) got off of our lazy ass and did something. Horray. Don't believe all this crap about us being overstressed. Well mabye they are over stressed, but not me. I wouldn't be streesed if I have to wrtie nearly an entire project (22 pages in total) in about a week while studing for midterms. Hell that happened and I was still okay so I'm not lieing. And right now isn't nearly as bad. I'm just Lazy
But hey, Don't forget who is putting shit up today. That's right me! Real History, New, and Now! I'd put up a link but I'm to damn lazy, get it yourselves.
Fine, but you owe me. Kain and Able
You know you have been waiting for this one
I'll start off by apologizing for the lack of updates for the past few weeks. I'm sorry, there has been a lot of stress on my friends and staff members. I'd like for the people who come to this site to know that we haven't forgotten about you and soon we will have a handfull of new stories for you to read (One of which will be from one of my favorite writers, Cheesy Boy). Cheesy Boy's particular piece will be a new Real History. I won't tell you what it's about, I'll just tell that it will be good and to remember that it is just a joke...don't take it seriously. Transmetal will be putting up a story as well, but it might take a week or so.
Now all of you who enjoyed reading the first three episodes of Journal of a Tortured Soul, don't worry, the last episodes will be up shortly as well as a completely new story from yours truly. Actually, you will be getting two non-series works from me and one Life Experience. All three should be up within three weeks. Not to mention that a new Bio page will be available in the stories section to give you information on certain staff members. This will be a special bio and will be much more in-depth than the staff page. Hell, it might take the staff page's place. Now onto the subject of Blue Score...
Okay, by now, you've noticed that barely anything is happening with Blue Score. Unfortunately, this is due to a lack of interest in the Blue Score staff. The web comic is taking much longer to create than initially expected. We do have some media that is either on or almost on Blue Score, but unfortunately I have to tell you not to expect too much in the near future. I'm going to work as hard as I can to rebuild the reputation of the site and again ask for your forgiveness. Until I feel like I have reason to continue living, sayonara.
As you may or may not have notice, there's been a somewhat... distinct lack of updates as of late. This isn't because we've stopped working on the site or anything, there's just been a combination of real-life work that has slowed down things for our digital personas. Kain / Jabox4 are just busy trying to get the Blue Score people to get off their asses and do some work. We're sorry. While we try to actually get things updated over here, visit Logan Whitehurst's comedy MP3s. Make sure to check out the Mega Penguin song.
That oughta keep them busy... heheheheh...
It's really not meant to distract you! Really! ... Well... Is it?
Shut up and continue the update
Right, ok. Later today there should be a new pic of the month and game of the month updated