Domain Kain
News Archive
May 2002
Media Section, UPDATED!
Post on 5/30/02 by Transmetal
Hello, Transmetal here again. Sorry about the lack of updates. It's nearing the end of school, and things are getting hectic for our "real life" personas. But hey, that doesn't seem to faze BarbieBoy. Today, we finally have a working media section. BarbieBoy did his first actualy piece of work for the site, by creating a little animation for all of us to enjoy. Move your mouse over to the media section, and click. What about InsertWar 5, you ask. Well, Kain has uploaded it. Although, not onto the site. Apparently he uploaded it onto the geocities site first, then he moved it over to someone's tripod account. Problem is, nobody knows whose account it was, and nobody except Kain knows the password. At least... We hope he knows. We'll see.hi im updating
Post on 5/22/02 by
hi im updatin today. i put up anther away mesage and fixd transmeta's mistake. that is all. kain when is insert name war goin to b updatd?A change in pace? Or just a fluke?
Post on 5/21/02 by Transmetal
21 days into the month of May, the Pic of the month, and Game of the month have actually been updated. Too bad we'll be taking it down in 9 days... The first review for the PC section has been uploaded. It's a review for Baulder's Gate by Cheesyboy. Of course, another IM away message was popped in at the same time. Besides that, another story has been posted, entitled "Why?". A rather startling change of pace for Transmetal, this rather morbid tale is inspired by watching Jabox4 play against Biosoldier in Unreal Tournament. And what about Insert Name Here War? Kain is... um... still working on it? I dunno, we'll have to ask him.Garet Likes Star Wars Episode II
Post on 5/17/02 by Cheesyboy
I fixed one of Transmetal's infinite number of typos. He put my real name into IM Away message #5, rather than Cheesyboy. THE FOOL!!! I wouldn't have noticed if it wasn't for Garet. Hey! Stop typing over my text Garet! MUWAHAHAHAHA!!! You cannot stop me Cheesyboy! NO!!! DAMN YOU GARET!!!!!You DID notice Star Wars Ep.2, right?
Post on 5/16/02 by Transmetal
Hey, you did notice that Star Wars Ep.2 came out today, right? RIGHT?! Good. Kain is still working on the next episode of Insert Name Here War, so that one's not ready quite yet. I popped up another IM Away message. Wierd, the messages by Cheesyboy have more plot than Insert Name Here War. hmmm... Also, our school recently held a "Wellness Day". In honor of such an important event, an interview has been posted up under the Editorials section. AND!!! We sorta remembered to update that pic of the month thing. But we didn't. We just updated the game of the month. (sigh) Oh well, go watch Ep.2. You'll be happy you did....
Post on 5/8/02 by Transmetal
Well... The site hasn't been updated for several days. So, I decided to toss two more IM messages under the "Away" Message editorial series. Not much, but we are working up another wave of reviews and stories to post. That just seems to be the way things work. They come in waves. Never in pairs, or any smaller integer. But one of these stories should be the next episode in the Insert Name Here War. Should be. Supposedly it has a plot, or something... Read the other Insert Name Here War episodes and see what kind of plot they had!Has Transmetal lost his mind?
Post on 5/4/02 by Transmetal
Two updates in two days? GASP! Impossible! Yet it is true! Today we have the first "oldskool" review, written by Cheesy Boy. What game is it, you ask? Final Fantasy 3, the classic SuperNES game. Has time diminished this diamond's shine? Read the review to find out. Also, we uploaded a special guest story entitled "Hobos In The Snow", an instant classic. It's our favorite and will soon be yours too. AND, a new editorial column has been posted. On a whim, we just tossed a bunch of IM "away" messages into an html file and uploaded it. That's just how things work here at Domain Kain. Speaking of tossing random things together... Don't forget to read the second part of Insert Name Here War episode 4!Do you feel the energy?
Post on 5/3/02 by Transmetal
The second part of Insert Name Here War episode has been uploaded and linked. It's a wacky, zany adventure full of mistaken identies and random non-sensical events that somehow string together a plot. It's quite the exciting conclusion to the episode. Enjoy! Also on our "to do" list is uploading several stories/articles written by CheesyBoy. WHAT?! You mean he actually wrote something?! Yup. I just have to... Get the files... Now, where the heck did he put them... Oh yea, Spider Man came out in theaters today, in case you hadn't noticed. Do youself a favor and watch it once... then twice... and a third for good measure ;).New Month
Post on 5/1/02 by Transmetal
Well well... We begin yet another month. Although this time, it's May. Is that a good thing? Of course! This month, we plan on continuing regular updates (which is something special, considering how we didn't update the site for over a month). Kain has several reviews, including Blood Omen 2, that should be posted... Eventually... The second part of Insert Name Here War episode 4 should be uploaded soon. AND Star Wars ep.2 is coming out in 15 days! How much better can it get?