E-mail Box (circa 2002)
Welcome to the E-mail box section. The general idea of this section is that the reader sends us questions/comments/whatever about the site or anything videogame/anime/whatever related. We will then, in turn, answer. But this can only work if all of you out there send us some e-mail! Bring 'em on!
Kain, hey it's me. Ravenblade...or what used to be him. I think you should know that I'm not e-mailing you from the account I used to because some one took it after I had to get ridd of the net. Oh well, I guess I should've been quicker. So, why would you put your older brother on the site? Doesn't that make you a little wary that he might try and take over? I think he would if he's like you. This Wolfbane guy seems to be a pompous ass. Harry Potter is a great movie/book. He's a lot smarter than Wolfbane probably is. Actually, I don't really like it, I just have to pretend I do for my sister so she doesn't lose all faith in me. You know, Kain, you would make a great psychiatrist some day. Okay, probably not. Well, I read about how all those guys were taking shots at you and felt that, as a fan of yours, I had to speak out. You're the coolest guy of all. Sure Cheesy Boy's funnier than you, but you can write really good stories. Hey, you'll always have a fan in me...and evidentally that Jessie girl. Well, I'll let you go. Peace man!
-former RavenBlade456
WHAT DO YOU MEAN, CHEESY BOY'S FUNNIER THAN ME!! Why did the chicken cross the road? To get away from Elvis!...*cricket, cricket*...FINE! RavenBlade! Where the hell have you been? All these people sending hateful e-mails and my true fan is nowhere to be seen. I guess not having the net would be a problem though. I have to admit, having an older brother work for me is annoying. Especially when we get into fists fights during staff meetings. Yes, Wolfbane is a little on the angry-spiteful side, but he does his job well. Psychiatrist...right. That Jessie girl did seem to change her tune quickly. Great to hear from you again! Keep writing.
Why doesn't Kain answer his letters personnally? Does he have some problem with talking to people? Does he hate me for e-mailing him about using the name Kain? What is this Blue Score thing? Does it let you dl cool stuff? Is Barbie Boy gay? If not, then why does he call himself Barbie Boy? I gotta move so, cya!!
Kain does not answer his letters, because he doesn't read them. This wouldn't be a problem if he logged on through his own account more often, but instead he goes over to other people's houses who have broadband/highspeed connections to surf :P.
Kain is irritated by things like dust, light, and reality in general, so don't take it personally.
Blue Score is Kain's pet project that him and Jabox4 have been working on for some time now, more information will be forthcoming. Or rather, whenever Kain decides to tell people what it is.
BarbieBoy isn't gay... I think... He didn't choose the name, Kain chose it for him because it was either that or something else. He isn't like this in real life, well, not all the time at least. His character is represented that way, so we have someone to make fun of. Remember, all of our characters are exagerations of some personality quirks we may have. They aren't really fair representations at all, they're just fun to play with.
Kain seems to have alot of influence over the site, I just realized this when I saw how each of my four answers somehow related towards him. Due to this, I have been inspired to bring back my coup that I planned way back in the begining of the site. Yes... It shall all be mine!!!! (Or not, lol)
Compliments of the day,
With great pleasure, I write to solicit for your assistance in a matter that can be of mutual benefit to us. I only pray that you read through
carefully and respond as promptly as possible.
I know that my proposal will come to you as a surprise. I am John-Paul Agbon, a regional director of National Trust Security Company in the regional office in Lagos - Nigeria.
Sometime ago, we had a foreign client (name withheld) who deposited a huge sum of money (US$25 million) with our company. Eventually, this client was among the victims of Egypt Air Boeing 767 Flight No. 990 that crashed on the 31-10-1999 in U.S.A but since then we have not had anybody coming for the claims as the next of kin. A situation I have monitored closely with my position in the company.
Now. Having monitored this deposit and managed it over the years before his death, and hence nobody has showed up as the next of kin for the past one year plus, I have removed the file to my private vault.
I now solicit for your assistance to present you as the next of kin as every other arrangement has being concluded by me and I am only waiting for a foreigner to enable me move the fund to his or her account.
This does not have any risk attached to it, as I will handle all the internal documentations. I therefore request you to confirm your interest by a return message with your telephone and fax numbers and I will furnish you with more details on how we are to conclude this transaction as soon as posible.
Your interest will be negotiable before we commence this transaction.
I look forward to hearing from you, soonest.
Best Regards,
John-Paul Agbon.
Wow, we're honored to recieve an e-mail like this. I mean, I thought we were just some obscure sight on the outskirts of the internet. Apparently, we are held in higher regard than we thought. We would be glad to accept any money that we don't have to work for.
But since we know we're so good now, you're going to have to work to give us this money. Start by sending me your phone #, and social security #'s. Then, you'll need to give me some cash, and a 50000 word essay detailing the differences between the Japanese and English languages. Then, maybe we'll consider your offer.
Listen here, cuz I have something to say. I don't care who you are, you can't just go around and use such a horrendous name as Kain. It isn't right. Did you know that Cain was the world's first murderer? You are practically praising him for it. How can you use a name like that? I'm a Catholic girl that believes in the church. I don't like the idea of you making a mockery of my faith. How dare you. You are no better than the scum sucking fish at the bottom of the ocean. I like your site but do you have to be so terrible? I want answers.
I'm sorry I said all those mean things before. I guess I shouldn't make the connection between Kain and Cain. My cousin pointed out to me that the name Kain has appeared in many different areas. He also pointed out a few other things. But hey, if any of you guys are actually cool and want to hang out with a cute girl then I wouldn't mind an AIM name. Specifically, that of Kain (he seems cooler than the others), Shadow (the strong quite type) or Transmetal (he's sounds cool to talk to).
First of all, sorry it took so long to post this on the site. Kain has thing about e-mails... Namely, not checking it as often as he should... So, here's one of many anti-Kain letters we have recieved. And, while I'm sure Kain gave her a e-mail reply (Note: He later told me he forgot;), he's asked me to put up the "official" version. You must understand, this is all in fun. The entire site. We understand reality, and morals, and all that. I guess this site is designed for those of us who can appreciate humor, both sarcastic and light hearted. It's here to point out that life is too precious to waste on trying to be serious about EVERYTHING. We do appreciate, though, the fact that those of you who have concerns have been voicing them.
Another thing, our on-site characters are in-jokes. Seriously. We thought it would be funny to exagerate certain aspects of our personalities. For example, Kain's obbsession with power/control was completely blown out of porportion, for the sake of entertainment. Well, I act like an idiot in real life too... But that's another story.
Hey! What's with all the female readership! (note, the only other letter we've posted was from a female ;) We don't mind having the ladies visit our site (actually, we're quite thankful, lol) but you guys are aloud to enjoy this stuff too!
Darn it, I got to think of another response line... Ummmm...
AIM names!!! We're considering giving them out, but due to privacy issues (i.e. Keeping our current AIM sn's for personal use) nothing has been decided yet. However, feel free to e-mail any of us. These our are regularly checked e-mail addys, and you should get a timely response (well, except from Kain...).
I've been wondering for the last few months. If Transmetal is in an institution, why do you have him work on your site? Wouldn't that be a step in the wrong direction? Also, stop picking on Barbie Boy. He doesn't seem like that bad of a guy. To Kain, why do you let people talk to you as if you are the meannest guy north of Maine? That must just give you a bad rep. Biosoldier, I loved your writings in your "monthly" column. Why don't you do this anymore? Shadow, you are the laziest sack of meat I have ever heard. The bio says that you will be helping out more, but I don't see it coming. There is always a problem or two with the way you guys talk to each other in the site. Kain is always talking with authority, but I can understand that. Transmetal is talking as if he were insane, which evidently, he is. Jabox 4 and Shadow don't say anything. Barbie Boy is always being made out to bea dumbass. Biosoldier talks as if he were secret sqquirrel. Could you enlighten me on why there isn't a woman on your site? If you could, just call me Lin instead of using my e mail address. Thanx.
Holy mother of pearl, that was alot of questions. Let me start from the top. Transmetal isn't actually in an institution. He is basically just talking that way to entertain. As for Barbie Boy, he is only being picked on in good fun. He isn't a bad guy at all. His only problem is that he never pays anyone back. Anyway, why do people talk to me as if I'm the meanest guy north of Maine? They don't. I'm south of Maine. I'm not really all that mean of a guy. I'm just demanding...and mean. Biosoldier hasn't been doing his monthly column because he has had a falling out with the site. He is there for basically no purpose at all anymore. He may put up a story occassionally and he will be used as cannonfodder. For your information, Shadow is not a lazy sack o' meat. He is a very intelligent and forthcoming guy. He is always willing to work and is never to far from his duties. Just because he hasn't done much, doesn't mean that he is lazy. He's just...exhuberant. We talk to each other in ways that can make our intentions be understood. It isn't as though we are trying to be mean, its just that we are old friends and have a certain way that we talk to each other. It is time that you found out that Biosoldier is secret squirrel. THere isn't a woman on the website because no woman really offered to be on it and we don't know any that want to be. Whether or not this is the actual case or not, really doesn't make a difference. If a female friend od ours wanted to be on our site, I wouldn't turn her down. The answer in short, no one wanted to be. Thanks for your e-mail Lin!