Domain Kain
News Archive
August 2003
While Transmetal, Kain, Jabox4, and CheesyBoy went off to work on the Game Awards (Nominees will be uploaded soon), I was left to update several older reviews. Reviews which had been emailed to Transmetal, and never posted up because he was to friggen lazy. The reviews are Genma Onimusha and Onimusha 2. The aforementioned ink-blot tests will be uploaded for a special "Labor Day" update. Why the hell are we having a "special day" for something that doesn't even apply to us? I don't see Transmetal or Cheesyboy EVER working for ANYTHING.
Whoo hoo! I just got my LOTR: Two Towers DVD today! (widescreen edition, of course. In celebration, I give you a little present. It turns out that the last frame of the comic I uploaded the other day was missing... for reasons I don't even want to know. However, it's there now. Yeah!
Well, it turns out a relative of Jabox4's had been allowed near his computer. Apparently the whole "computer" thing runs in the family, as his relative took it upon himself to take apart and rebuild the computer (supposedly adding RAM or something in the process). Thanks to this, the computer was unable to run Empire Earth or any other game (except for Quake...). And even at that, I got my butt whupped (in co-op no less).
My update for today is another comic. Unlike the other badly scanned comic, this one is very nice looking. Probably because it was drawn right onto a computer. It can be found in the Media Section. Enjoy!
Things to look forward to? A new series (eventually, it's still being written). Also, Kain and Transmetal take a ink blot test. What kind of deep and unknown things will we find out about their mind? Find out soon!
This is the start of something great. This day, August 22, will live on in infamy as the start of B.O.O.. What is B.O.O.? B.O.O. is the evil orgonisation that I, CheesyBoy am the head of. Join us or fear us, it does not matter. For one day All shall bow before B.O.O.!
(Hold for applause)
(Hold for applause)
(Hold for applause)
(Hold for applause)
I was trying to create dramatic tension by not revieling what B.O.O. was until late in the month, but Transmetal couldn't keep his big mouth shut. But he did show that B.O.O. still doesn't have a name, only an acronym. So if you have a name suggestion, please mail it in to me.
Another thing, I have not been sitting on my hands. I have taking it upon my self to write a new Life Experence. And if I do say so my self, it kicks ass. Check it out
Hey, something really really unimportant is happening today. I am going to play Jabox4, mano a mano, in a game of Empire Earth. I imagine it will be a vicious battle, taking hours and hours of my precious time. To the victor goes the spoils (a pizza), to the loser goes the scraps (gets to purchase the pizza). I know, of course, you are all rooting to me seeing as I always win these sorts of games. As a matter of fact, I can quite confidently state, right now, that I will win. I'll be back later to tell you all the final score. Farewell!
Today I have two updates for your viewing pleasure. First, is we recieved another letter from.. somebody.. AND we took a damn long time to answer it! Check it out in the Letter Box... Bag... thingy.... Also, wondering what the whole "B.O.O." thing is about? Well, look no further. Here is the information I recieved from Cheesyboy concerning this new... thing...
Hi everyone. I'm starting an evil orgonization. I already have made the logo. See POTM.
Now the problem is that the logo doesn't quite make us out to be as evil as we really want to be, so we will have to strike fear into their hearts with the name. Currently the name is the Brotherhood of Really Really Nasty Guys. But there are obvious problems with the name. Here of a list of names that I've been kicking around.
Brotherhood of Outraged Orthodontists
Brotherhood of Orange Ostrages
Brotherhood of Outdated Oranges
Brotherhood of Octonganal Oranatangs
Please join. After a full year of servitude, you get full medical benifits.
Wolfbane did a review? Did Hell freeze over while I wasn't looking?
Oh right, about that BOO thing... Ummm... LOOK! AIR!!!
Hey Shadowlites!
This is what makes my job so damn embarassing some times. Kain told me to tell Wolfbane to do a review. Wolfbane did a review and it was my job to proofread it before it went on the site. Well, when I read it, I was shocked and apalled. I'll tell you why. Wolfbane's subject was totally inappropriate. He reviewed a woman that lives down the street from him named Angela. Now, that's just sick. Wolfbane, you should be ashamed of yourself.
Wait...that never happened. oops. Well, as you can see, Transmetal dropped the ball on this one. He was supposed to update by now...wait, no he was supposed to update this weekend. Oh well, shit happens.
For those of you out of the loop, this was just a practical joke. I didn't want to offend my friend and Wolfbane so I toned it down so much that it really didn't seem like a joke. Oh well...I'll do one really bad later on. I'll get people to help too.
Oh, hi. Did you notice it's August? Yup, indeed it is. That means we're in the dog days of summer (depending on which hemisphere you're located in, and how close to the equator you are). But enough about that. I'm here to bring mystisym and confusion and misspelled words to all our readers. What does that picture of the month mean? It looks like an acronym, doesn't it... Think about it for a while. I'll be back in a few days to give you all the fun little details, and to post up one of the... ummm... THE only letter we've recieved in well over a few.. Well, it's the only one I've recieved. I swear, I think Kain just keeps accidently deleting them or something.
Also, it's come to our attention that CheesyBoy is currently in New York City. According to his message, he's at the "Sheraton". I'm not going to hazard a guess as to how many Sheraton hotels there are in NYC, but if you see him there (and have a picture to prove it) I'll buy you a pint of Ben & Jerry's ice cream. Fair deal? We'll also be taking advantage of his abscense by insulting him on the website in a random fashion. Enjoy.