Domain Kain
News Archive
April 2002
Post on 4/29/02 by Kain
The contest has been cancelled due to lack of interest. It may happen again at a later date if enough people come to the site.Post on 4/26/02 by Transmetal
If any of you were here several months ago, you'll remember that one of the first stories uploaded was the Gundam parody. Well, 2 months later I remembered that I had a sequel to write, so the second episode has now been uploaded. Prepare to be beaten by bitches with empty beer cans! ;) Also, I uploaded all of the remaining stories. The community section has also been uploaded as well. What else? Another review! This time, for the Gamecube launch title "Wave Race: Blue Storm". How does it stack up? Read the review to find out. Don't forget to sign up for Post on 4/25/02 by Jabox4
I did a slight restructure of the site. You shouldn't really notice it as it doesn't affect the appearance of the site. All I did was replace the .shtml extentions of the files to the ordinary .html, so that the site is easier to edit for the editors here who use the tripod webshell. In the process I also fixed some broken links that found their way into some of the newly updated pages.Post on 4/24/02 by Transmetal
Well, I did get the password. Although it wasn't sent by e-mail as planned, thus causing some confusion, but it's all set now. After over a month of anticipation (yea, right! ;), the next chapter in the Insert Name Here War has been uploaded. It's a rather long one too, hopefully making up for the delay, so it has been split into two parts. The first of which has already been uploaded. The second should be uploaded next week. And I'm not too sure what Jabox4's "current code" is, but I probably already broke it somehow. Peace.Post on 4/24/02 by Jabox4
We seem to have lost the announcement of Kain's first contest in the last news update. We still have the contest rules page As some of you may have guessed, Transmetal hasn't been given access to the webshell here at the new site yet. But, he now has it, so he should be posting a news message probably right after checking his email. Hopefully, he keeps form with my current code :)
Post on 4/20/02 by Jabox4
The Pic of the Month, Game of the Month, and Jabox4's box have returned! They can be found to the right side of the screen... if ya hadn't noticed yet.Post on 4/09/02 by Jabox4
All the reviews that were on the old site have now been moved here and work. I also have applied the new look of the site that you see before you. I still have to tweak it though. The border has to be put behind the nav bar, the nav bar should be smaller (well, at least not as wide), and I have to fix the size of the page. The entry page still says you should have a screen of 800x600, but you will need 1024x768 or higher for the moment, unless you don't mind sideways scrolling. Lastly, the Insert Your Name Here Wars theme song has been uploaded.Post on 4/04/02 by Jabox4
The XBox Section has been fully transfered from the old site. All the reviews are up and the links work... well, at least when I checked they did.EDIT (7:34PM): Just finished the Gamecube section.
EDIT (7:48PM): Found an error with the nav bar. When used on pages in folders, it wouldn't find the page because the urls were set to be relative to the page. Now they are relative to the site root, and it works fine.